Her face absolutely does not feel like Aqua lmao
Her face absolutely does not feel like Aqua lmao
What if we get a 2 for 1 special?
Plenty of the countries they support certainly claim to be socialist, but end up just being authoritarian dictatorships with a different name
In thoery we shouldn’t support any dictatorships at all. But the average tankie poster will bend over backwards to fellate a dictator if they oppose the US.
Wonder when we’ll see universal tariffs on any imports whatsoever
I dunno about that. Wow has been eating good the last little bit while FFXIV is utterly stagnant in their own formula. I’d say FFXIV wins in social aspects (and definitely in “social” aspects ifyaknowwhatimean) but WoW is winning in the gameplay department.
You right, I forgot which one came first
I’d go with Doom for essentially inventing the concept of a first person shooter
Sure, but the politicians freezing aid are just going to pocket the money. It definitely isn’t going to things like education, poverty, infrastructure
Figured, that’s why I didn’t put more then one words worth of effort in 🤣
I wonder how feasible it would be to just donate to your favorite authors
I use a kobo e-reader and it works a treat. Looks and feels good, and can load any ol downloaded epub book without issue with Calibre.
No IRS means I don’t have to file my taxes right?
For the department of education, weren’t there armed guards visible just inside the building? They still should have done something, but it was a bit more then one guy.
While the number is absolutely very exaggerated, they are indeed losing potential sale revenue.
I’ll always leave room for them, but I would still bet they will be fed their next set of talking points within the next 24 hours and be right back on board the crazy train.
The way I see it, you have to start small before you can go big. Get people used to the idea so when you call for a general strike later, it doesn’t seem totally outlandish.
So hmm, how should I be investing my money now to avoid being screwed if this happens…