Most of Europe does not have fluoridated water.
Most of Europe does not have fluoridated water.
It’s extremely different to say that you can get similar exposure by drinking certain drinks rather than getting that same exposure through tap water. You realize that right? Like you’re comparing what will be a once a day dosage versus how someone stays hydrated. They will drink liters of tap water a day. They will not drink liters of tea.
The NTP monograph concluded, with moderate confidence, that higher levels of fluoride exposure, such as drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter, are associated with lower IQ in children. The NTP review was designed to evaluate total fluoride exposure from all sources and was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoridated drinking water alone. It is important to note that there were insufficient data to determine if the low fluoride level of 0.7 mg/L currently recommended for U.S. community water supplies has a negative effect on children’s IQ.
Merely twice the recommended fluoridation level in the US was found definitively to lower IQ in children. That’s far too close and the benefits are not there. Most countries DO NOT fluoridate their water. The US is one of a few developed countries that do. Those countries that don’t have seen similar reductions in tooth decay as the US as dental hygiene has become more culturally and publicly supported. I don’t know if you’re paying attention to the news but there is a fuck ton of evidence that something is deeply wrong with the American populace.
Most of Europe does not have fluoridated water.
They are literally not even resisting. Israel has been bombing humans in a barrel for 18 months.
This is patently false. Netanyahu has an abysmal approval rating and something like 70% want a ceasefire.
I watched a lady who studies dictators on a Wired video recently and she said about 30% of the population believes in dictatorship as an effective way to govern. She explained it as people who are generally dictatorial in their life. My way or the highway type people. Tyrannical microcontrollers. Helicopter parents, etc. These people seem pretty common in my experience so it made sense. And considering about 30% of the population voted for Trump and 30% voted for Harris and the rest didn’t vote it makes even more sense.
It’s the politicians job to get votes.
Democrats are complicit in this too. They refuse to engage with viable alternatives so they allow this to happen so that when the country is in crisis they can step in and offer nothing but level heads. Until people get upset again then they step back into the shadows to allow Republicans to do their fearmongering.
The first part is purely conjecture of their intent. It is irrelevant and unknowable. The facts are they leaked this to a reporter. They should be held accountable based on the facts, not their intent.
That is exorbitant for most people for a basic doctor’s visit. Federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. Takes an entire work week for a minimum wage worker to afford a doctor’s visit.
As other’s have explained to you, that is just a visit. It covers nothing else. No medication, no tests, no referrals. Just to talk to the Nurse Practitioner for 15 minutes. You will not be talking to the doctor.
I hope you realize what he is talking about every single American deals with and I think you missed the part where he is fortunate and this is literally the best case scenario (outside of being rich enough to not give af.)
You can make sure your doctor is in network, but if someone bills you for other services like an anaesthetists, radiologist or labwork, they may not be and you could get a surprise bill for thousands of dollars.
The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy [for the rich.]
We have to organize at the community level and do it without all the shadowfunding the fascists have.
Bernie is the only leftist in the Senate. So until that changes it will be impossible to move beyond him.
No. You don’t understand. Imagine 1930s Germany. Imagine what those German citizens must have been like. That’s America, but possibly more stupider.
I believe I’ve heard that PEX actually breaks down and starts leeching chemicals into the water faster than PVC. It’s also a cheaper material. Most of the houses I’m familiar with are still installing PVC.
Do you have a source on that? I find it hard to believe we put water into unsanitized bottles.
That would seem to be the explanation on the face of it. Piping is made from heavier duty plastic. But I’ve heard that PVC can start leaking some nasty chemicals over the decades. Is that better or worse than microplastics?
This is so much more effective, less wasteful, and safer than putting it in tap water that every person will be forced to drink liters of every day.
It’s so obvious and the people pushing for fluoridated water seem so stupid to me because they have literally nothing to support their argument except the status quo. It’s one of the worst examples of hivemind I’ve ever seen.