“Bring the Gas kill them all.”
“I hope you get stoned by your terrorist friends for supporting gays… Fuck you.”
“Nukes. That’s how.”
“Fuck that, they need to remove all.”
“Can you stop spamming, if you want to kill yourself thats your choice and right to do, but please dont annoy others with it, bridges are a great choice, or maybe a noose if you know how to tie knots, dont use drugs they often fail and cause long therm problems, if you are in the US a gun is of course also a option. Have a nice day and maybe just eat a Cookie and rethink before making a final choice.”
“Ich rate zu großzügigem Konsum von Cyanid.”
We must have completely different definitions of what is considered toxic or violent then. Blocking doesn’t fix that, it’s what you do for people that hurt youw feewings, not for people who are dangerous, that’s why I’m reaching out. But hey you just tell people to block because its standard fucking procedure on Lemmy and probably elsewhere to assume that problems aren’t real and that everyone are just special little fucking snowflakes who should cover their ears and close their eyes.
These were Already actioned by the subs respectively, you can see them in the modlog if you search his username, he also had a few others which disappeared or just weren’t there and couldn’t find them on the modlog, which I guess he deleted, I don’t remember it verbatim though so I can’t quote it but more stuff encouraging massacring people or blowing them up.