There’s loads, my best recommendations are algea oil or sea weed, soya, nuts, seeds take your pick.
There’s loads, my best recommendations are algea oil or sea weed, soya, nuts, seeds take your pick. Yeah you’re right later in life he identifies as one however still ate meat his chef fed him so the claim is dubious at best and may have been propergander for the war effort.
He wasn’t, it’s well documented he wasn’t vegetarian this was spread as anti vegetarian propegand. This meta analysis shows that dairy doesn’t help rates of osteoporosis and hip fraractures.
Interesting. Oddly enough the lowest rates of osteoporosis occur in countries with the lowest rates of dairy consumption and there appears to be evidence that it could be causal.
OK I’ll bite, surely there is no legit reason for this…
They are ace! Extremophiles are so interesting. One of the most prolific species on the planet and they are being considered as a potential to help terraform planets such as Mars
I came for the vegan comment however as it was already there, the biggest change I could see from mass adoption of the vegan ideals are that the population would have an across the world increase in empathy to not only animals but because they aren’t murdered as part of societal norms the empathy towards and the treatment of humans is likely to increase as well. This could theoretically lead to an increase in environmental action helping climate change but also help addressed a number of socialogical issues at the same time. We are a long way from this however in the uk veganism has increased 1567% in 10 years so with this rate of change it is possible.
hey I’ve seen that film!
So your data set shows 76% used for animals and 4% for industry. That’s very similar to the figures I referred to.
There’s lots of other sources. do you have a counter source?
Straight out not the case. lots of animals are on farmable land. Also animals eat lots of our crops eg 80% of the worlds soy. Here’s one (of many possible ones) reference stating that we would only need 25% of the current agricultural land if the world went vegan.
To be honest I’m not sure. The increase I have seen has been across all ethnicitys, mostly younger people though.
It absolutely could. Not with the current diet but if there was a shift to less meat then we could substantially reduce the amount of land used in food production.
Oddly enough I’ve had more people I’m interested in not want kids than do.
Yeah, you’re right it’s a different thing to doing it in cities, cooking is important. In my experience, I have lots of vegan rural friends however that’s due to my social circle and isn’t representive. In the uk apparently we are on 4.7% vegan now (1567% increase in 10 years) its become noticeably more over the last few years but probably not to the same level as cities.
vegan here who grew up on farms. Just because you don’t know them doesn’t mean they aren’t common.
Yea that’s definitely me