It’s one of my favorites, it’s very unique. The main character contracted the illness that killed most people, and although he didn’t die, the fever fried his brain, so he narrates in a weird broken stream of conciousness.
How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.
It’s one of my favorites, it’s very unique. The main character contracted the illness that killed most people, and although he didn’t die, the fever fried his brain, so he narrates in a weird broken stream of conciousness.
Mindhunter should be higher just for it’s stellar use of Gary numan
The whole series should have been Aryan and the hound riffing on each other
Ah shit I forgot about those. Well swap the squirrels at grandmas with Malcolm, and CSI Miami with scrubs.
Also metalocalypse probably should be separated from the good adult swim shows.
Here, I fixed it
The X Fucking Files
Breaking Bad
The X Files Season 3
Hannibal, but the second time you watch it.
Band of Brothers
Maybe Sopranos, I didn’t watch it yet
X files season 7
Most of Game of Thrones
The Robin Williams episode of SVU
The rest of Law & Order
Is The Last Drive-In a show?
Chernobyl when you convince someone squemish to watch it.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Are You Afraid Of The Dark
The good adult swim shows
Twin Peaks, but only after restarting it 3 times because you couldn’t get into it and didn’t know what was going on.
Arrested Development
Home Movies
Better call Saul
I’ve had Mad Men in my qeue for like 10 years.
Vikings until Ragnar Dies
Flight of the Conchords
Always Sunny
Evangelion if it includes the Movie
(30.) Raised by Wolves if it had fucking gone anywhere
The squirrels trying to get at the bird feeders at your grandmas house.
South Park
The Flying Circus if you watch the first Season in Order
The Last of Us
The X Files in the background of a hangout where everyone riffs on it.
Pete and Pete
I really should watch Mr. Robot
Mindhunter FanFic
Peaky Blinders?
Freaks and Geeks
Cowboy Bebop
Lord of the Rings Extended Editions
CSI Miami, but as a drinking game
Powerpuff Girls
Ren & Stimpy
Wasn’t Fallout pretty good?
Stranger things, I guess.
The X Files high as balls
Edit: fuck phone formatting edit again: it.just keeps getting worse every time I.try to fix it, fuck it.
How in the fuck is the x files not on it. You’re going to look me in the face and say lost is better than the x files.
“Sorry, I just love cliffhangers that have no purpose other than to add commercial breaks and then not actually pay off.”
You’re going to tell me friends, the show that wrote the book for basic ass misunderstanding sitcoms is better than the x files.
I better just have missed it, or this world really is fucked.
Also what about ER? And SVU? Just the Robin Williams episode alone should be at like #14.
And wasn’t MASH the most watched show ever at one point?
At least Chernobyl is right where it belongs.
I picked up a few folding tables from a clearance website on a whim for my workshop. They were from a company called Origami, and were like 9$. I figured if they were crap I could reuse the tops and practice welding on the steel frames.
Turned out to be one of the best purchases I’ve made. They fold flat and come apart, and the surprisingly thick steel frames lock into place with latches and don’t wobble at all.
I’ll see if I can track down a link for one.
Edit : this was the model I got. Looks like it’s not available through amazon, which I try not to support anyway, but this is the desk for reference https://www.amazon.com/Origami-RDF-01-Folding-Computer-Black/dp/B07K2S57P7
Before all this fascist crap I was excited at the idea of buying the silliest utility vehicle ever made. Too bad they’re not only evil, they’re not even utilitarian.
Oh well.
Get handy. Fix things before they go bad, and learn basic construction on the way. Second hand tools are cheap, and there’s a number of good youtubers to help in any situation. After you get your bearings, it turns into a fun way to make the place into what you want it to be. Nothing is terribly difficult, and materials can be had cheap if you’re not in an emergency. Facebook marketplace allowed me to build a house for 70k over two years, and it’s valued at 350k, and not finished yet. The experience gained led me to doing odd side jobs and reselling unused materials to keep paying for new additions. If you can replace your own water heater, you can replace someone elses for half the price of Lowes and still take home 700$ for three hours work. Pick up some resold tile and put in a bathroom wall. You’ll find out what you did wrong in your own bathroom and won’t mess up someone elses for some extra cash in a pinch.
Electrical work is my favorite. Know the code, and how to stay safe, and it’s a lot of fun that the average person is HORRIFIED of. Get a good electricians multitool, a current tester, a drill and some tape, and you can perform miracles.
Most people will never afford a house. You don’t have to fix it, you get to fix it, so take pride and make it somewhere you love to live.
A yacht with a Titan seamoth in either the carribean or Australia to just cruise through some reefs.
A response would be defensive action. This is specified as OFFENSIVE action, which we shouldn’t be taking unless we are at war.
Wait, why were we taking offensive actions?
Far cry 5 gives the opposite experience. You get railroaded into missions, but can do whatever you want to during them.
While getting pushed into missions is a bit irritating, the open gameplay and drop in co op made it one of the most fun games out there. Finding ways to break missions with my friends turned into the real objective of the game.
One portion, you have to scale a mountain while dodging sniper fire to kill a cult leader at the top, and I spent 15 minutes slowly making my way up to him. As I finally get to the top, before I could make the kill, a friend dropped in and crashed a fighter jet into him, completing the mission.
Seems like a solid place for me to plug Deadbolt to anyone that hasn’t played it. It’s made by the risk of rain guys with Chris christodoulou making another iconic soundtrack.
It plays a bit like if hotline Miami was a stealth sidescroller, using fluid motion to get in, kill the enemies, and get out as quickly and smoothly ad possible.
Everyone should give it a try, it’s one I consistently ignore new games for.
One of the best games out there. RoR 2 and RoR Returns are both stellar as well.
The soundtrack is phenomenal.
The game seems way too hard at first, but once you get into the flow it’s incredibly satisfying.
Blasphemous was the first pixel game that jumped in my head for really outstanding art. Wild character design, and the kill animations are unique and brutal.
It’s like they saw what castlevania wanted to be and blew it out of the water.
I’ve been building a house myself for four years. I move in in 3 weeks.
Not the original commenter, but what theirs saying stands true. The issue of “sounds legit” is the main driving force in misinformation right now.
The only way to combat it is to truly gain the knowledge yourself. Accepting things at face value has lead to massive disagreements on objective information, and allowed anti science mindsets to flourish.
Podcasts are the medium that I give the most blame to. Just because someone has a camera and a microphone, viewers believe them to be an authority on a subject, and pairing this with the “sounds Legit” mindset has set back critical thinking skills for an entire population.
More people need to read Jurassic park.
It’s burnout. They see the headlines everyday, and the flowers just don’t seem as bright as they used to.