Why can’t it be both?
Why can’t it be both?
If you like the chrome feel, you should check out a browser called brave. It’s built off of chromium (read as: looks like chrome) and can run all the extensions you like, but is built to be privacy minded.
Nah it’s all about those rainboots for me
I thought I saw a gallery view post yesterday. That said, I have no idea how to actually publish gallery view.
Sure, but I wouldn’t call gravitational acceleration on earth a fundamental constant, since it’s only locally useful. If something like the charge on an electron started changing though, then there would be profound consequences on the way the universe works
I see. Thanks for the advice!
The idea of evolving fundamental constants is pretty mind blowing to me. Is this a well based theory?
I see where the power is now in this cantrip. I’ll definitely consider it! What are your thoughts on friends as a utility spell?
I just want to add that the url is awesome! I don’t know too much about the fediverse yet, but this is definitely why I registered here. Thanks to everyone taking the time to make this shit work!
Thanks for the tips, I forgot that you can take other class cantrips!! I’ve got an artificer with guidance, so we’re good there.
I’m interested in shape water thematically, but I don’t really see how this spell can be used to really solve problems. How are you supposed to utilize this spell?
By forging documents I mean like make a piece of paper look like whatever we need upon an inspection, temporarily of course— sorry for the confusing wording!!
I agree about the saving throw cantrip. I’m considering mind sliver for that so the other casters have an easier time with their attacks, but the toll the dead damage is respectable too. I’ll probably save this for my level 10 cantrip though, since my party is mostly casters and we will get decent non-attack roll cantrips without me.
So why did anyone use matches then? Was it just more economically viable?
Is this also why my cat drinks from the far side of the bowl?
The princess bride