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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Oceanliner Designs - lots of interesting videos about titanic & other ships of that era.

    Caitlin Doughty/ask a mortician - lots of cool video essays about death

    B1M - lots of cool engineering related videos

    Evan & Katelyn - lots of cool resin creations… gives me cooking channel vibes where after watching a video, i have an intense urge to make things i dont need.

    Well Theres Your Problem - a podcast about engineering disasters… with slides

    Tasting History with Max Miller - a cooking channel that is also a history lesson… super cool

    In addition, just a bunch of urban planning youtube (city beautiful/city nerd/oh the urbanity, etc) & video game content

  • Well known in pittsburgh… really just tastes like a really shitty lunchable IMO. Every time im visiting the city, i grab a piece due to its regional uniqueness… every time though, i immediately regret my decision.

    Also, not sure if it is actually a thing, or if it is just a really weird restaurant, but just east of pittsburgh, theres a pizza restaurant that uses pie dough (like for apple pies) instead of pizza dough. They pair it with an extremely sweet tomato sauce. Was super weird

  • What you’re describing is a 200(ish) mile round trip commute… aka 3(ish) hours in the car. Your post makes it sound like this is just a normal, everyday thing that a majority of Americans do, but its not…

    as a daily commute, this is squarely classified as a “super commute”… about 2% of American commuters hate their life enough that they willingly subject themselves to such a grueling commute. Well outside the norm…

  • Here are a few that I find have consistent high quality content:

    The B1M… His videos seem to really get into the nitty gritty logistics of various large construction projects.

    Caitlin Doughty (Ask a Mortician)… I feel like each video is better than the previous. The historical death documentaries are incredible.

    Climate Town… Videos about climate change & has a really fun sense of humor.

    Neo… Lots of really cool explanatory videos. The editing is really good as well! The recent video on the presidential motorcade was very cool.

    And one more… Reckless Ben… IDK if it really fits within the prompt of this thread… The channel is tough to watch with all the annoying humor & there is a lot of hit-or-miss videos, but at least lately, it seems to really be doing some very interesting things. I enjoyed his series on mckamey manor.

  • I actually really disagree about the whole diamond thing…

    In addition to it being the primary plot device to get rose to actually tell her story, it plays a pivotal role in the story aboard the ship & is a key element in one of the main themes of the movie (money doesnt buy happiness).

    Regarding the 1st part (wearing it for the drawing)… the drawing was intended to be malicious… effectively a way to tell cal “we’re over”… hence the note that accompanied it saying “darling, now you can keep both locked in your safe”. It was effectively a vulgar display to cal showing that she cant be “bought” (essentially what her arranged marriage was… selling her as effectively a slave so that her mother would remain wealthy).

    Regarding the shooting scene, id argue it wasnt about the diamond at all, but about what happened just moments before… jack and cal were both trying to get rose on the lifeboat. It was super macho aggressive where they were both kind-of attempting to one-up eachother to win her affection (hence cal removing jack’s blanket and giving her the coat). This is also when cal gave his “i always win, one way or another” remark. Rose jumps back onto the ship and right into jacks arms (passionately kissing in front of cal). Enraged by this, cal chases them with the gun… id argue, this is cal’s last ditch attempt of “winning” (attempting to force them apart through murder). I think the comment about the diamond was just more of an afterthought once the adrenaline wore off.

    Regarding throwing it overboard, what was she supposed to do? Give it generously to bill paxton? Rose’s entire presence on the modern ship & all of her actions are purely malicious. Bill paxton getting the diamond is literally the worst case scenario.

    Think of how rose got involved… Bill paxton was showing off the drawing on tv to essentially say “see, we arent grave robbing, we are simply preserving history”. Rose saw right through that though due to her knowledge of where the drawing was (in the safe). Her phone call to bill paxton saying “have you found the heart of the ocean?” Wasnt a sincere question, but more of a “i know exactly what youre doing” threat. She is there to stop them, not reward them… her excessive luggage & wasting a whole day of their time to ramble about old grandma stories prove that. (on a ship like that, schedule is everything and wasting a day to listen to old grandma stories is most certainly a worst case scenario that will cost them millions).

    Sure in theory, she could sell it, but doing so would create 3 issues…

    1- the sale of such a priceless artifact would garner tons of attention. Everyone with even the slightest potential stake in it would likely come after her with an armies of lawyers (think insurance companies, cal’s heirs, the UK government/royal family, bill paxton’s company, etc)… Sure, enough time has passed that different statutes would limit their effectiveness in achieving success, but she (and her family) would be put in a precarious position of spending years entangled in legal battles while simultaneously being both “rich” and “not rich” (cant exactly buy a lawyer with a diamond that may or may not be yours after the fierce legal battles)… its really being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    2- it would go deeply against her moral compass. Her entire life story was essentially being enslaved by wealth & escaping/ living an amazing life it by essentially faking her death to become poor.

    3- The diamond is really the only tangible item associated with her past life, jack’s entire existence, and an event that played such a pivotal role in completely changing every aspect of her life. likely not a single day goes by where titanic isnt in her mind… Considering this, id argue the sentimental value of such an item likely holds more value to her than all the money in the world.

    Personally, I always saw her throwing such an item in the ocean being similar to putting a cherished possession in the casket of a deceased loved one… frankly, i think it is the single most profound scene in the movie. Ive watched the movie literally hundreds of times & that scene is without fail when i start crying. The solitude nature of the act coupled with the look of relief on rose’s face just get to me. Its like shes been holding her breath for the last 84 years & that moment was the first time she was able to finally breathe.

  • I live in an apartment that is right next to active train tracks… a few floors up, i have a prime view of the tracks from my windows/balcony… its a heavily used corridor that sees both freight and passenger service.

    While im not really into trains, (more of a nuisance for me… being essentially right above the tracks), i will say, ive seen some really cool shit that really gave me a real appreciation for people who enjoy trains… since moving here, i find myself actually going to the window to watch them more often than anticipated.

    Personally, the coolest stuff ive seen hasnt been the freight or passenger trains, but the ultra specialized equipment used to maintain the tracks… some examples:

    1- one day, they replaced the railroad ties under the tracks. They had a really cool set of machinery that i can only describe as a robot on rails… the front of it pulled out every other tie, the back installed a new tie in its place with a bunch of other steps in-between.

    2-they were shipping a bunch of railroad rails. The rails were in long continuous segments that spanned the entire train’s length… my apartment perch is on a relatively sharp curve in the rails (really pleasant for noise /s), so it was cool to see how they handled it… the train essentially shimmied back and forth only a few feet at a time to allow their rail payload to bend and adjust to the curve in the track.

  • Its worth noting, your numbers are super misleading…

    the manufactured home cost in the bob vila article includes the entire house (foundations, land clearing, utilities, finishes, permit fees, etc)… aka, for the 270k, youre getting a move-in ready house.

    The 3D printed home cost in your builtin article appears to only include the basic structure (aka the cheap part). Still gotta pay teams of people to come on-site to do everything else. The cheapest they mentioned was $299k for a move-in ready house.

  • When i was a kid, a mexican restaurant chain shut down after a bunch of people got sick/died of hepatitis A in my city.

    The day they reopened, it was highly publicized on the local news, and my family went there to eat… i asked my dad if he was concerned about getting sick. He stopped, looked me in the eye, and told me with the upmost confidence “i guarantee you that this will be the cleanest restaurant meal you will ever have in your life”…

    i feel a similar concept applies to this situation… with all the eyes on the 737 max8, there is no way management is going to sell one if it has outstanding flaws/safety issues.