Yeah the trial of a Folk Tale doesn’t have that much weight in reality-…
Gay, trans, satanist, willing to fight God, lizard father
Yeah the trial of a Folk Tale doesn’t have that much weight in reality-…
Very astute
o7 we’re doing our part (by wiping ourselves out so you don’t have to)
I’m terrified now. But, you know, egg prices or whatever-…
“I’d like a couple’a hoops and hollers if you don’t mind-…”
Holy shit, that’s literally me. Incredible!
“Draw in your own style” Is a scam; Draw everything and nothing. Become ungovernable!
50 I’m not going higher
Excellent OC comic! Also Pour-overs (I call it the Triangle) are clearly superior coffee drinking tech.
Fuck yeah 🤘 thanks!
🤑 get that dosh
“I’m literally a fool, what’s your excuse?”
Seriously thanks for this kooky little slice of the internet. I hopped instances for a bit, and this one is tops! o7
All the Good, But Very Specifically Libertarian Texans have been moving to Oregon for a while now-…
I want this as my epitaph.
Or a tramp stamp.
Yeah Skyrim was only released 14 years ago! Wait-… wait, oh no 👴 ⏰
So glad they have their priorities straight
Bill Mayer is On Some Shit and I’m here for it.
Absolutely devastating. He will be missed.