Even more unethical points for not complying after funding!
Even more unethical points for not complying after funding!
You dont know what’s good for bad!
He’s the only aged gentleman who will headbutt supes in the nose.
The Purge. They’re all dumb as fuck. “No lawz fur wun day. Halps soseyetti.”
Yeah no, trust in the government would break the floor and anarchy would reign instead. Not to mention businesses would probably refuse to operate here.
Anyone expecting Israel to do anything else than genocide is insane. Stop them. Please. They won’t do it themselves. I know the US is all in on the insanity so please some country with sane leaders and ICC jurisdiction do what’s right
“You shot that man, citizen. Here is video evidence. Put your hands against the wall.” - and more coming to you soon!
If my post history doesn’t make it obvious: every social contract has been broken. Riot.
The right to protest goes beyond free speech. It is one of the core balances of power between the governed and their government. Without it we are little more than slaves to the will of the powerful.
Its always Republicans and conspiracy theories. Weren’t these known as conspirators in the past? Not theorists?
There is some correlation somewhere. Some target demographic or something. Because half of my coworkers are Mexican and they all love Trump. I don’t get it. Not a single one is a Democrat. The only Spanish speaking individual who is a Democrat there is Argentinian.
I just about looked up what pahking was before I said it out loud lmao
Dost thou fall on thine sword for a fair maiden?
Reposting an AI generated video of Trump saying he is dumb as fuck is hardly being an activist. Dude’s cloaca hurts so bad from those memes.
Money is speech? This is clearly in-line with current US legal definitions so what’s the problem?
Its a single player game.
The original was such an amazing game. We’ll see what this one has in store. So far weary of the change to 3D and the strange idle animation stance.
Work policy
And Beyond All Reason if you like RTS games.
Finally, Witch-King.