You’re right - monopolies aren’t just big companies. But a lack of monopoly is also not simply having access to alternatives. You can have all kinds of alternative services - that notion alone does not disprove the claim that Steam is a monopoly.
You’re right - monopolies aren’t just big companies. But a lack of monopoly is also not simply having access to alternatives. You can have all kinds of alternative services - that notion alone does not disprove the claim that Steam is a monopoly.
No, for resisting fascism instead of kissing oligarchs’ behinds in an attempt to ratioanlize immorality.
To some extent, we are all paralyzed by the immense complexity of the world and we all have two choices:
Should we assume you’ve made your choice?
I know its a joke but just to note: I’d love to see Germany “march through Poland” given the poor state of Germany’s armed forces. As it is rn, Poland alone could most likely reach Russia’s heart in a couple of weeks of conventional warfare and debilitate Russian critical infrastructure long before that. Barring nukes of course, which is basically all the Kremlin would have to hang on to in a full out direct confrontation given just how incompetent their armed forces have proven to be.
So was Hitler. Thing is, natural law and positive law can diverge significantly, meaning ctitizens will sometimes have to organize against the products of positive law to preserve their decency and freedom.
Great read, thank you for sharing.
But thats clearly and exactly what the implication of what you are saying is given that is what the US administration is doing. You just don’t want to say it explicitly for reasons that are understandable but inexcusable.
America’s destiny is to ally itself with Russia, North Korea and other dictatorships? Good to know but I can’t shake the feeling that you guys might want to spend some time thinking about what you’re doing before you do it. Thinking is not as bad as media makes itnout to be. Some even say that it provides benefits.
Take your own advice and “think critically”.
You need to drink your meds, grandpa.
As long as we assume that OP’s primary info source is social media. It very well might be. But it also might not be.
As someone else already pointed out - yes, subscribing does do something because you can (and should) use the Subscription feed (which is below the Home and Shorts feeds on the left hand menu). This allows you to curate your own content rather than rely on algorithms. Which is not to say you can’t or shouldn’t use the Home feed - chances are you will run into new things that you find you like. But as it is right now, over 90%% of all video views on YouTube come from the Home feed meaning the vast majority of users are influenced by opque algorithms.
I believe most people don’t even know about the Subscription feed even though its right there
They removed the article? Anyone know why?
At least prove a point.
Oh, I think you’re doing just fine on that front. (And let’s not pretend like “proof” or “evidence” have any relevance when making claims that not only have no basis in reality, like “conservatives don’t talk about crypto”, but obviously seek to supplant it).
But again, you’d be much more effective if you dress up facts rather than fiction. You also need to build up to the absurd, not start with it. You can’t just convince people that reality is actually the opposite of what is perceived. You first need to shake up trust in consensus based reality and basic scientific knowledge, and only then start to gradually inteoduce the spectacle in a piecemeal fashion.
I mean, if you’re gonna engage in disinformation then at least read the wikipedia page on whatever topic you are targetting so you can come up with something that’s more believable. Disinfo is most effective when it is based on some true information taken out of context.
Oh the irony! Stahp, we can only take so much of it
You seem to have forgotten to multiply by 100 after you divided 209 by 1,548.
209 is 13.5% of 1,548, not 0.13%.
Edit: It is a bit disturbing how many people upvote things without making even the most basic sanity check.