Nationalism is the stupidest thing humans have created regardless of who their propaganda affects and how.
Nationalism is the stupidest thing humans have created regardless of who their propaganda affects and how.
I’d suggest you to look for a guidebook on any of Marx’s works, or Engels. He’s right about many things, but he is a boring writer. Reading his stuff is tedious, especially without a guide. I see others recommend starting to learn about Marx from people after him, but I completely disagree that that’s a good place to start. Dictators, oppressors, and war crime deniers have nothing of value to say.
Also, not all Iranians are Persian. There are multiple cultures, despite nationalist attempts at cultural genocide.
Out of order, I had that experience. Took me till this September to put it together, and I’m now 28. I thought it was just a kink, purely sexual. Nope.
This just happened to mine, and I’d used it gor several years.
Just ebook:
Ebook and paperback:
The boring kind of blast, bot the Danny Devito blasting.
Important to the upper classes, but not important to the wellbeing and health of average people.
I should mention that I have a habit even outside of writing to overcomplicate things. I want to still write about my complex ideas, like the inner life and philosophy of an Eldritch god, but it definitely won’t help if I overcomplicate the language I’m using.
Recently I finally accepted that not everything I write is pure gold and that I’m allowed to rewrite or delete stuff. After all, it’s the idea being expressed in a paragraph that’s important to me, not the words and their layout.
I’m an indie author. Idk how common my experience is, but here goes.
I’ve self published one book, but I want to go back and make a 2nd edition, after I finish book 2. My primary goal in writing was to get anyone to enjoy it. I realized onky after publishing that accessibility is important, and I’ve adapted my writing style. How I realized was that my relative who have English as their second or third language couldn’t understand my writing.
The only people who managed to finish my book were all writers, I believe. In order to get through m book they needed to accept that sometimes my writing didn’t make sense to them, so they continued regardless.
I’m sorry you and others had/have to go through that. It’s infuriating that anyone would do that.
ABA schools are still a thing??
Plenty of Americans STILL think their crumbs of democracy will save them from their own government.
Parasites at least play an important role in their ecosystems. I have no (or too many) words to describe my hatred for people like this that commit social murder all the time.
Did you not notice how democrats helped republicans shift the overton window further and further towards regressivism? There was never any incremental improvement, just concessions made to distract you from how both parties serve the same masters.
Lowering how much fucking sugar, corn syrup and palm oil go into all the food would be the proper thing to do. Can’t mess with the oligopolies though. Growth for growth’s sake, as always. This way the pharmaceutical oligopolies also get to expand.
I used
You might feel overwhelmed by how much advice it gives, but you don’t need to adopt every suggestion or habit, just what you think works for you.
Palestine was in front before. Make of that what you will.
Unfuckingbelievable. Oil and coal lobbyists are definitely still paying him.
Congratulations to drugs for winning the war on drugs.