Candy flipping is pretty fun you have to time it properly though. I haven’t done it in 10 years though
Candy flipping is pretty fun you have to time it properly though. I haven’t done it in 10 years though
It gives you brain damage it doesn’t give you a good high.
Edit: Just to clarify I’m not suggesting any one take drugs ever. You can have a good time without them and learning how to do that will probably make you a happier and healthier person. I’m also saying mdma and coke are a shit combo.
As some one who’s done it I’d say it dulled the effects of both drugs to the point where I just felt like nothing. I wasn’t sober but I wasn’t high either
Nobody can agree what is actually in this stuff. Also why would you mix coke and mdma anyways it literally does nothing.
Damn have the Israelis colonised kasol now as well? When I was there were a lot of Israelis but nothing like this was happening. Then again I can’t read Hebrew.
Oh this article is 8 years old…
This is 14 years old now?? Fuck I feel old.
The biggest douche bags always wore this.
I went to Kasol a village in northern India where all the hashish is produced it was full of Israelis with PTSD smoking their brains away. It was pretty sad.
That is insane yes.
You can ice skate on the floors at a McDonald’s, I did a test day there they told me to wear anti slip shoes. I didn’t have money to buy them so I just came in my trainers. I could barely walk anyways I didn’t get the job.
It’s at 18.8% which is high here where I am it’s around 10%
I do hear that china has very high youth unemployment though but idk how the statistics are made if lots of those young people are in university or training I guess it’s not to bad
Idk how people could watch that video of some one being burned alive in their hospital bed and still have any doubt about what’s happening in Gaza. I can’t get that image out of my head.
Yeah it’s just one of those things where I just scratch my head and think why couldn’t they just pick one goddammit
Thanks I’ve really been struggling a lot and I’ve been very depressed so I kind of didn’t do anything the first month so I failed my first test. It made me feel even worse but I kind of used it as a wake up call to actually try. I’m feeling better now and I’ve been able to start studying and I don’t feel as overwhelmed as I did. I’m not that young anymore and I think all the dumb shit I did for the last 16 years fucked up my brain a little bit, but I’m lucky that I have people supporting me. Thanks for the kind words.
Edit: I’m Im not that into metal but I’ll check it out. I always like hearing new music
Also a random thing that pisses me off about electronics, there are obviously three different notations for logic gates a British an American and a European.
What’s DBSM? I generally make weird techno with the synths I have, atm I’m mostly using software though because I can’t really find a cool way to plug in everything so that I can be creative as well. I kind of wish I had some one to help me organise and plan my space with me because I’m fucking terrible at doing that. I can DM you my SoundCloud if you want to hear some of it. It’s nothing special and I don’t really like advertising it.
That website does look cool, but I don’t have money for equipment or components at the moment so I’m sticking to the theory for now. I only started a month ago and I’ve been out of school for a long time and I’m struggling with passing tests and the language barrier a little bit. Thanks for the website though I’ll definitely check it out.
I need to do a final project in two years I’ll probably try make a synthesiser. I’d really like to make a groove box but let’s see how far I get through this school and if I have what it takes.
Idk every time I’ve done it and I’ve only done it twice because afaik it’s very bad for your brain I felt like it completely killed the empathetic effect of the mdma, which I what I used to like about that drug.