Aki Kaurismäki
Aki Kaurismäki
I’m using element X on mobile (android), other apps I tried seemed sluggish!
Appreciate the comprehensiveness of this post!
I agree with this sentiment, some episodes are good but a lot are just… Ok
Found another pollution comparison of Dublin and Amsterdam, which suggests when you take into account a more holistic picture of pollution that Amsterdam is superior: https://www.numbeo.com/pollution/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Netherlands&country2=Ireland&city1=Amsterdam&city2=Dublin
Rotterdam does seem to be the major source of pollution - is that one of the reasons why people cycle less there than other Dutch cities?
Very good point. I noticed London data was also included in that study and seemed to have very high levels of nitrogen dioxide wherever they measured (despite having an excellent public transport system!). That’s a horrible shame that the Dutch have to suffer other nations’ pollution :-(
I’m experiencing this too. Particularly in outlook web (which I am forced to use for work). Frustrating!
Was this around the same time the Dutch were protesting against cars killing their children?
I had tried the original port over and found some things were a bit rough. Now trying it again and it seems flawless!
Really very polished now!
That’s a cracker. Going to remember that one
Bunsen burger in Dublin, Ireland
Amazing news, can imagine how much quieter Wales will become as a result of this
Feel like numbeo is a good resource for this. Here in Dublin, Ireland it’s horrendously expensive
greentext-3170640 just tried using infinity. Do you mean using images in posts or comments?
I think clear Linux is optimised for Intel chips. Not sure if there is an equivalent for amd
Here in Ireland I got a meagre 2 weeks (but took an additional 2 weeks unpaid!)