Pineapple Erik needs a comeback!
Just a happy Fedora Gnome Linux user and metalcore music lover. Drop Acid, Not Bombs!
Pineapple Erik needs a comeback!
Once you realize the average American voter is stupid af, doesn’t understand basic civics, doesn’t understand basic macro economics, doesn’t understand the President doesn’t control gas prices, and the list goes on and on. It’s less likely Trump and Co stole anything (there’s no evidence of there of it) and more likely the blame is on ignorant or blinded or willingly fascists voters to bring about “change” on their feelings and vibes. Plus the Dems ran a pretty shitty campaign. Caucusing with Liz fucking Cheney? Jfc what an L that was.
I bought the Pixel 7 Pro and omg it was hot garbage, they had an unresolved bug open for like 3 months that caused scrolling to basically work only sometimes. It was impossible to use I had to return it within a week. Worse phone buy I’ve had in ~15 years.
“Never let a good catastrophe go to waste”
Oh wow thanks for the update! That all sounds wonderful, minus the troublesome bug work of course, but that’s part of the process. Appreciate you getting back to my comment. I use Arctic everyday so I’m very grateful for all your hard work, it really does mean a lot. Take all the time you need to get things how you want and I look forward to trying it out in the near future. Have a great weekend man!
Any updates to this? Just really curious to know how things are going. Really looking forward to trying this out when it’s stable.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Fuck this traitorous cunt. 
I would love nothing more than to see that snake pick his bags and fuck the fuck off.
“Plus we are getting a Buc-ees,” Oh hell yeah now we’re talking!!! “…so at least we will have cold drinks while we fry and drown.” Ah fuck!
I read that last part as, “A couple more states needed for Activision” and my blood pressure temporarily spiked lol.
Guess maybe burn out got to them or they just moved on. Luckily though Arctic is just as good, even better I’d say and the developer is still active as of just a few days ago. They’re preparing for a new big update release soon as well. The beta for it is already on TestFlight too.
Thundercats HOOooo!!!
Dude I can’t wait to have this update! The quality of life improvements and new features will be huge! Also best of luck in your back recovery and thank you so so very much for making the best Lemmy iOS app!
out of the loop, what are genocidal mimes?
I’ve grown a bit tired of the Xbox experience as well with some of what you’ve mentioned. I also don’t play every single game that comes out, just a select few with whatever free time I do have. I want to get away from online gameing if I can, though I’m not against it my preferences are just shifting so I want to gravitate more to single player games and currently I’m considering the next Switch console (Switch 2?) and just play all the first party games Nintendo is known for, Zelda, Mario, Starfox, etc and all their retro games that’ll be on the online store. I could get lost for years with that content. Really excited to possibly have that option for myself in the future. Just thought I’d share a different perspective.
I think I’ll just stick to playing retro games in emulators for free without a subscription. Sure I miss out on the latest and greatest games, but graphics aren’t everything to me, the gameplay is more important to me. Plus, I really despise having to have subscriptions for everything. If Game Pass works for people, more power to those gamers, but I’m tired of giving what little income I have to billion dollar companies. /rant
Chips Act, Take 1: Hey Intel here’s 8 Billion dollars to make us more chips in the US. Intel: I gotta let 15,000 of you go, there’s just not enough money…
If you’re still using Google Chrome in 2024, you might be a moron. #Firefox
8=========D That’s a rocket ship!