This is a common misconception but they are not the same. Among other differences, their basic ingredients differ. Crumpets are made with milk and baking soda, while English muffins are made with dough and yeast or sourdough.
This is a common misconception but they are not the same. Among other differences, their basic ingredients differ. Crumpets are made with milk and baking soda, while English muffins are made with dough and yeast or sourdough.
What, laser-sword welding space wizards weren’t crazy enough for you?
In Star Wars, a Galactic Standard Year corresponded to the time it took Coruscant to orbit it’s star once, 368 standard days.
There were 3 generations of starships named Enterprise between TOS and TNG. Surely that’s the most relevant measure of a generation for Star Trek.
Yeah, I can’t work up much existential dread at this prospect. Given the immensity of the universe, the odds of this happening anywhere that it will affect the human race anytime soon are pretty damn slim.
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My point is that Ashoka, no longer being a Jedi, was no longer bound by the order’s rules. As such, she was free to start a family is she so desired. That said, she could have done so even after order 66. That she apparently didn’t do so suggests that she had no such desire.
Master Leem wasn’t the only exception to the prohibition against marriage. Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was also granted an exception due to the low Cerean birthrate. He was allowed by the other Jedi to follow the Cerean custom of polygamous marriage—he had four honor wives and seven daughters.
I liked both Captain Marvel and The Marvels. I don’t understand the hate they got.
Ashoka was no longer a Jedi by the time order 66 was issued.
Also, while the Jedi weren’t allowed to marry and were discouraged from forming strong attachments, this didn’t always stop them. One Jedi master married and had several children with the council’s knowledge, and was even allowed to remain a Jedi master, Thracia Cho Leem.
The Mercury Eight was a runner in its day.
Yeah, that’s a new one on me too. Where I’m from, “Merc” is usually gearhead speak for a Mercury not a Mercedes. Then again, I’m old and out of it, so what do I know.
John Carter: 1970 Death Dealer: 1973
And neither is from the 1980s.
That’s just not so. J.M. Barrie’s book popularized Wendy as a girls name, but it predates the book by centuries.
Good points all. Blizzard never has prioritized communication.
Too late. Someone at Blizzard should have remembered that “You never get a second chance to make amfirst impression.” No amount of FOMO will bring me back to this tedious grind disguised as an event.
Of the 16 images, five don’t count. The one with the Gorn is an obvious joke, but for four other, Kirk wasn’t acting of his own free will. He was being physically controlled by God like aliens, mind controlled or straight up sexually assaulted.
I found a lot to like in The Acolyte. It wasn’t top notch Star Wars content, but it deserved a better reception than it got.