I create space related content on YouTube, mostly using Kerbal Space Program to demonstrate concepts: https://youtube.com/ShadowZone

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I cared for the characters. There was some real emotion going on. Diving with Judy with “Pyramid Song” playing felt special. The Panam tank mind sync scene was bizarre but memorable because of it. The whole V vs Johnny Silverhand mind war makes you think about what really makes you you. The taxi AI side quest was quirky and fun.

    And there is one part of Night City that’s straight up an hommage to the iconic Ghost in the Shell scene where they stand in a semi flooded part of the city. Made me nostalgic.

    It’s not really an open world RPG though. It’s more story driven and when the stories are told, well… not much else to do.

  • You are not missing something, they are.

    The first couple of years are the most important for a child’s development. The more you can be there for your kid, the better. And sharing the load of child rearing will increase the bond between you and your spouse. It’s disgusting to see American men reduce “supporting the family” to just bringing home money. Your family needs so much more than that!

    I applaud you for taking paternity leave. Most of the criticism towards you is probably a mixture of ignorance and jealously. Take your 12 weeks and come back with a smile on your face and brag how awesome that time was - because it will be.

    For comparison: I live in Austria, childcare leave can last from a year to two years and parents can split it 18mo/6mo for instance. Add to that 8 weeks of mandatory “birth time protection” before and after the predicted birth date where mothers aren’t allowed to work by law but receive full salary. I WISH my wife and I could have split our maternity/paternity leave but it didn’t work out financially back then.

  • As an avid Dune books reader (all of them), I think Villeneuve did the best adaptation possible. As a character, Chani is much more fleshed out in the films and Rebecca Ferguson CRUSHED it as Jessica. Oscar Isaac also was a very good Leto.

    My big gripe is with Stilgar and Paul. Stilgar in the second movie was almost relegated to comic relief. Yes, he is also portrayed as a believer in the books, but it felt like a caricature in Dune Part 2.

    As for Paul, I had hoped for more focus on why he actually went to drink the water of life. In the books he wanted to avoid it. But events he couldn’t foresee and put people he loved in danger pushed him over the edge. In the film I didn’t get any of that.

    Still, loved both parts. Definitely worth a watch.

  • With normal news websites, A/B testing could be a thing. We had a rudimentary implementation of that back in 2011 already. But this is Reuters, a news agency. They are B2B and don’t care about clicks, their business model is selling first hand reporting to other media outlets (e.g. CNN, USA Today etc). As stories develop, so does the title. Especially when ongoing conflicts are concerned.