The important thing is that the high albedo material has to convert incoming light into a particular wavelength of infrared light that is not absorbed by the atmosphere and so it flies straight out into space. If it’s just white (high albedo) but doesn’t convert light into the right wavelengths of infrared light, then yes, it will warm the surrounding areas because a lot of the light it’s reflecting will get reflected off the atmosphere back down somewhere else.
Wikipedia has a thorough article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiative_cooling
Here’s a video by a channel called NighthawkInLight: https://youtu.be/KDRnEm-B3AI?t=78
And here is a 2 part series by TechIngredients: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zW9_ztTiw8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNs_kNilSjk
As @will_steal_your_username pointed out, there are hair-loss treatments, but they can’t reverse hair loss after it happens so you should act quickly if you’re going that route.
I’ve heard that feminizing HRT can also cause some head hair to regrow as long as it isn’t completely gone. But since you’re enby you might not want to go that direction. I think even a small dose can have a pretty big effect but I’m not sure, you should ask a doctor if you’re interested in that route.
You might also buy a wig. But I would seriously recommend not getting a cheap one because they always look bad, imo. It could be an option until you can afford hair transplants or whatever you decide.
Also, there are absolutely some women who experience baldness. It’s not as common as with men, but it happens.
I hope any of this is helpful!