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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • As @will_steal_your_username pointed out, there are hair-loss treatments, but they can’t reverse hair loss after it happens so you should act quickly if you’re going that route.

    I’ve heard that feminizing HRT can also cause some head hair to regrow as long as it isn’t completely gone. But since you’re enby you might not want to go that direction. I think even a small dose can have a pretty big effect but I’m not sure, you should ask a doctor if you’re interested in that route.

    You might also buy a wig. But I would seriously recommend not getting a cheap one because they always look bad, imo. It could be an option until you can afford hair transplants or whatever you decide.

    Also, there are absolutely some women who experience baldness. It’s not as common as with men, but it happens.

    I hope any of this is helpful!

  • Jump scares aren’t really meant to scare you, they’re there to relieve tension. If a jump scare feels forced to you, then you weren’t very engrossed in the movie, or it was put in a bad spot – but if you’re really on the edge of your seat and then a jump scare gets you, you’ll relax afterward so the tension can start to mount all over again without feeling too oppressive.

    If jump scares aren’t doing that for you, then you’ve probably watched enough horror movies that you’re slightly desensitized to it, but the director has to think of every movie goer when making a movie, and bringing new viewers keep the genre alive.

    To use the comedy analogy from OP, it’s more like a long winded joke that keeps going and going and building and building, and then suddenly PUNCH LINE! and you’re laughing. Except the long winded joke is the tension building, and the jump scare is the punch line.

  • I was just talking about this recently. There are of course some women who like muscle men or assholes, but most women are attracted to men who make them feel safe and/or make them laugh. If it is about looks, they’re probably just looking for a slender/chubby guy who has a caring/funny/brooding kind of look about them.

    Also! Looks can change as you get to know someone. A person who was initially hot as hell can become revolting if their personality sucks, and vice versa, someone that didn’t really stand out to you could become literally the hottest person in the universe if their personality rocks!

  • You can download specific DLCs but I’m not entirely sure they’ll be useable. It’s worth a try. Here’s how you do it:

    Open a web browser and type in steam://open/console and it should open the Steam console inside of Steam itself. Type download_depot <game_id> <depot number> for Rocksmith the game id is 205190 and you can look up the specific DLC you want on steamdb

    So for example, the Pearl Jam Song Pack could be downloaded using download_depot 205190 222139

    Rocksmith’s DLC SteamDB page: https://steamdb.info/app/205190/dlc/

    If this DLC has been disabled as you said, this might not work, or you might need to make sure that Steam doesn’t try to update the game (which would disable the DLC again). You can do that by browsing to ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/ (assuming you’re on Linux, or just wherever your “steamapps” folder is on your PC) and find the file called appmanifest_205190.acf and set it to read only. That should prevent Steam from modifying any changes you’ve made to the game. Just remember to set it back to writable if you want to update the game again.

    The game might not recognize the DLC as I said, but you should be able to access the files anyway if that’s all you wanted. They’ll be in ../steamapps/downloading at least until the download is complete, then it should try to apply the DLC to the game, which might cause the files to get deleted. I’m not entirely sure about that.

  • For negativity bias my wife just told me a great technique that she uses for that. Come up with a list of people whose opinions matter to you. Any time you question yourself, imagine how each person on that list would react to what you did. Since those are the only people whose opinions matter to you, if it’s mostly positive, then you should feel proud of your choice.