Such a basic ass response and let’s be honest, black flag? It’s not that great, it was just a cool pirate fantasy, shite AC game. AC origins, mirage and unity were infinitely better than black flag as ac games
Such a basic ass response and let’s be honest, black flag? It’s not that great, it was just a cool pirate fantasy, shite AC game. AC origins, mirage and unity were infinitely better than black flag as ac games
You hit it bang on the head, they have immense potential but they long-standing issues now threatening to strangnate the nation like the alienation of the Muslims and non hard liner Hinduvitas, cast system, no long term planning and a everyone for themselves attitude
I still struggle to find the difference, I hoped the article would help
Is that what you got out of my entire comment? You’re not proving your point, only you lack education and reading comprehension.
Like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran and Libya?
Let’s see, house of Saud was supported by the British as an friendly clan who then took over most of arabia and when a king acted against American/British values they got couped
For afganistan look at operation Cyclone, most of these terror groups or their predecessors were funded by America to take out the potentially socialist leaning afganistan among many other nation which later backfired on the American govt
Iran has a democracy under mossadeq until he nationalised oil, made Britain big made, told daddy America it’s communism, mossadeq was couped with the Shah, the people then couped the Shah with the islamic fundamentalist among other funding from again America.
Libya had ghaddafi who wasnt no saint by libya thrived under him. America invaded and now it has open slave markets
There’s a something that’s similar about all these stories I can’t get by hear around…
Why is Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, turkey, Tunisia not killing or arresting women for hijab? That’s a far far bigger amount of Muslims?
I’ll be entirely honest, I’m a big map nerd, looking around the world, different infrastructure, city layout, sprawl Vs density, how manmade interacts with the natural etc etc. I’ll give open street maps a try, but I’ve been using gmaps for a while and Google earth is one of the best things I’ve ever seen
If you ever go and look around America on Google maps, it seems insane how much sprawl and unnecessary road infrastructure you have. I can’t imagine America being able to effectively maintain these
No body was enslaved due to the power of the hijab. Christian pedophiles and their obsession with the cross did use the cross as a power symbol. Interesting how racist and dumb you are
It’s definetly a flawed methodology. It implies the certain qualities have the same importance to cultures worldwide. I’m born in Scotland but ethnically Punjabi. I go pakistan and i see extreme poverty and struggle, yet I speak and live with people of different classes and it’s often those who are poor but with community who are happiest (something similar applies to many nations I’ve been) not to say wealth wouldn’t make them happier or live longer, but our current capitalist system is a disease that very very few nations were able to effectively control so that the society benefits (gulf Arabs, Singapore and Nordics) but generally wealth doesn’t make a nation happier unless it’s somewhat fairly distributed
If you didn’t put Israel in top ten, it would be considered anti Semitic
America and Germany are fascist, open source is the only.plus here
Great, so killing 400 Palestinans in 24 hours was just to ensure continued funding? Got it
500 years ago, the economic power was Western European countries like France, England, Portugal, Spain.
Ps, you’re so confidently wrong. 1525 the economic powers of the world were India and china https://www.businessinsider.com/mckinsey-worlds-economic-center-of-gravity-2012-6
Here’s a nice graphic to make it easy for your Eurocentric mind to comprehend
second biggest economy
Bud how put of date your knowledge is? You from the 90s? Name the top 5 in order of GDP? Go ahead. Please. I know you’re speaking of Germany but please try and back it up it in 2025 that they are the second biggest economy lmao
Also is Europe getting richer, is American or European manufacturing improving? No, it’s going towards china, towards India, towards Africa. Europe became rich because of hundreds of years of exploitation and another 100 years of soft power to ensure cheap resources than be taken to Europe/America, produce high quality and sent back. Problem is, the world is now able to do a lot of it itself and Asia can make everything it needs and give to all other Asian and African Nations.
Military threat, yeah, 100% that’s all Europe has, that’s how you become rich was bombing and exploiting others. But the suprise factor is gone, nobody trusts you guys, look at the trade map, you think you’re gonna challenge this?
Go on that link and check the editing list. It’s very interesting and worth looking at the dates and how it peaks Oct 7 2023
Hamas are not the good guys here either, they played all their cards on October 7th where they demonstrated their cruelty and disrespect for human life. The Israeli military has been trying to match or exceed them ever since.
Weird how many of the Israeli claims of Oct 7 are either disproven or completely unbacked by any evidence. Beheaded babies? Rape and murder of dozens including noah aragami (who is alive, and released and now is going against Israel, why??? Asked the idiots)
Hamas is an Israeli puppet, they were placed to lead gaza to ensure Palestine can’t form into a nation, literal divide and rule. Hamas in gaza, plo/fateh in west bank who are opposing ideologies. I absolutely condemn Oct 7 and can’t comprehend why their plan or goal, not only is it cruel to the innocents but surely they knew Gaza would be wiped. Not that Israel is allowed to, just that Israeli propaganda is the strongest on earth
It’s genuinely disgusting and just makes us non US folk despise America even further. Like everything about the nation Is rotten. But what do you expect from a nation born from the worst insane ethnic cleansing and genocidal campaign in human history
Don’t think you white folk don’t realise Europe has no real power anymore and shifting to facism. America has military hegemony, but not science or manufacturing, and again falling to facism and corporations.
Real power is moving to where stuff is getting made and leaving thode with bullshit over inflation like Tesla, or many other stocks. The current center of economic power has moved closer and closer to where it was 500 years ago.
Are you purposely malicious or just stupid? AfD, extreme violence against protesters supporting Gaza, currently being tried in the ICC alongside Israel and britian. Germany and clearly most of western Europe and America ike Nazis and have for a long time because the they were the inspiration for the Nazis
Well well over 50,000 bud. Assume well over 200k just in gaza alone. And its not when over
A women being hurt 9 times of 10 is screaming. Imagine how annoying that’d be in a game.