You might be able to do it if you’ll get closure by talking to your dad about it.
My dad is the type that is never wrong, never does anything bad, and therefore never apologizes. I brought this up a few times and he always say I exagerrate or those instances never happened. He will never own up to it.
Mostly on phones: On/Off settings that have vague names and no description at all. I don’t know what is Multi Layered Scrolling is and I’m not going to research it. It stays off until it is explained right where the setting is.
Websites and apps: I HATE a confirmation menu that has a “OK” and “Cancel” type buttons where the one they want you to click is bigger, more emphasized, better colored and attractive than the other. This is common when you want to quit a game - the “Actually no I want to keep playing” button is usually highlighted and bigger while the quit button is ugly, in red, in the corner.