Yeah, my mom was totally convinced that the rich were stealing children to extract chemicals from their blood to make them live longer, but she loved Trump. Compartmentalization is a powerful thing.
Yeah, my mom was totally convinced that the rich were stealing children to extract chemicals from their blood to make them live longer, but she loved Trump. Compartmentalization is a powerful thing.
I think some of those purple ones should instead be labeled “If you can find a way to get it to stick around long enough for you to lick, you’ll win a posthumous Nobel prize.”
I was lucky that my family had a Mac when I was a kid. I did all my stupid downloading of random .exe files from sketchy sites on a machine that couldn’t run them, and by the time I got my own PC in high school, I knew a bit better.
Zero responsibility, no; many did vote for him , but significantly more didn’t. If you want to hunt down the people who voted for him, sure, but I voted against him in every election knowing something like this would happen, and I’m not responsible for it. The same can be said of a significant amount of Americans. To lump us all together would be like bombing a hospital full of innocent victims to get at some members of Hamas.
I had my annual review last week, and they told me they base their new hire workload goals on the amount of work I do. I’m happy to do my part in bringing down expectations!
This is a good anecdote about misinformation as well - when someone believes that they have the answer, they often never reassess the situation, which can get to the point where the real answer is staring them right in the face, but they can’t see it because they’re not looking; why would they? They already know the answer! This is how lies can spread so easily even when easily debunked. Nobody bothers to listen to the debunking.
Glad I could jog your memory! Yeah, I even went so far as to email the current owner of the rights to it about a sequel a few years ago, and basically got the generic “Maybe one day” response.
Try Steambot Chronicles! It’s my favorite game of all time by a wide margin, but it’s been forgotten by time. It’s a really cool adventure game with a ton of different things to do, from piloting a giant robot to playing different musical instruments in a band, to decorating your own little apartment, and a bunch of other stuff! There’s a lot of dialogue choices to make too that can affect how people treat you, and lead to a few different endings, including being a hero vs a villain. The graphics and soundtrack are great, too! I can’t recommend it enough!
Yeah, I get these every few months or so, and at this point when I feel one coming on I’ll automatically start pointing my toes up before I even fully wake up and realize what’s happening. That nips it in the bud before the pain starts, and I can go right back to bed.
He did retire. Here he is asleep in his chair like grandpa after thanksgiving dinner. Musk’s in charge now.
Sure, but that’s often after they’ve let him spout nonsense uninterrupted on a global platform.
“Man does thing everyone should have been doing to every idiot in power for decades.”
There’s a window in front of my kitchen sink at my current house. I’ve been there for over a year and never once opened those blinds.
Long gone are the days where something being against the law essentially meant it couldn’t be done. You can scream that the things they’re doing are illegal, but at this point it doesn’t even matter; the law has lost its relevancy, and won’t stop or even slow down the people in charge.
People like to commit, though. They want to commit. They want to make an account and be done. The ability for established users and communities to move around is a great feature that makes Lemmy superior to other sites, but it really needs to work on making new users feel comfortable enough to stay put when they’re first figuring things out, because if a new user decides to leave, they’re probably not switching instances, they’re switching platforms.
Yeah, the setting, the characters, and the music all mesh together really well to make one of the most compelling anime stories I’ve ever seen. I’ve got more songs from that show in my daily playlist than most others combined, but whenever I tell someone it’s my favorite anime, I can feel their suspicion.
You can find them at the creator’s tumblr. They’ve since stopped making them, though.
Unsweetened applesauce is my go to egg replacement for things like cookies and brownies that only need the emulsifying properties. 1/4-1/3 cup per egg works nearly perfectly for things that call for 1-2 eggs. Beyond that the consistency gets a bit off, but it’s usually still good enough.
Pretty sure you can still do all that today. Sure, it’s not going to feel exactly the same way, but I’ve found that it’s surprisingly enjoyable to pull out my old video games, buy some of the snacks I loved as a kid, and just spend a day living as my 12 year old self on summer vacation.
Remember, Trump doesn’t say things that are true - or even things he thinks are true - he only says things that he thinks will benefit him to say. So yes, it benefits him to say Jan 6 wasn’t domestic terrorism, and that vandalism of his boss’ cars is domestic terrorism.