Gainax may have ruined Christmas, but Trigger saved it.
Gainax may have ruined Christmas, but Trigger saved it.
After around 16,000 hours, I’ve found WoW to be a lot more fun playing with others than just restricting myself to open world and full-PUG content. The last expansion was decent (story was a bit meh, but gameplay was great) and the current expansion has been okay so far. I just hope they can get balancing right on events going forward, since it’s getting tiring seeing them create a massive artificial grind then walk back on it a week or two later.
After playing for 2000 hours, this one is an easy recommendation from me, too. The game was quite light on endgame content at release, but due to the design of the game, now the vast majority of the game occurs at ‘endgame’ and can be very fun. I love how I can come back after a couple of years, buy access to any content I missed in the meantime and have a character that doesn’t need to grind levels or gear, just jump straight into story mode and get caught up on the story. Even better when you don’t have to worry about making your playtime feel like it needs to be ‘worth it’, since you don’t need to pay monthly to play.
Exactly the issue I had on my laptop. Plug in an external display to extend the desktop and the laptop screen turns off. Wasted 6 hours of my life trying to get the damn thing to work properly until I gave up.
It comes from the publishers in the 90s. They needed an easy way to tell stores/distributors how popular they thought each of their games would be, to help them decide how many of a certain title the distributor should order. The games expected to be GotY contenders would be marked AAA, AA for otherwise decent games, A for more niche games and B for “this is a starshot, we’re hoping it will sell enough to justify production costs”. That then lead to more and more games being marked as AAA due to budgets getting increased, and the whole system became a bit redundant.
Until we:
We’ll continue to be stuck in this downward spiral.
The problem is, everyone in power is a landlord or otherwise benefits from the current system, so nothing changes and we continue circling the drain as a society.
A Razer product that doesn’t work as advertised? Consider me shocked.
Looks like Palia with hobbits. Personally I’m not too impressed, but maybe it’ll find its niche.
Nah, the site you’re referring to still works from the UK.
I’m looking forward to seeing this, the one-shot was a fantastic read. I hope they manage to nail the effect of seeing Kyomoto’s artwork as well as the manga did.
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I thought this was some humanoid donkey before I read the prose. After reading, I guess I was still right in a way.
I felt a little let down when I saw Angel Beats, to be honest. I really enjoyed the ending, and a few plot points here and there, but it felt like they had too much content for a 1-cour show and not enough for a 2-cour, so it ended up feeling a bit rushed, jerking between comedy and tragedy.
Though I think my issue was expecting it to live up to the heights set by Clannad, the eternal final boss of cry-porn. Clannad drained me in a way I didn’t think was possible, and rewatches of key scenes STILL destroy me years later. I can’t go near wheat fields anymore. 11/10, would have multiple breakdowns while contemplating the value of family, again.
The 4-panel comic features Nano Shinonome, a robot girl from the anime Nichijou, leaving a positive message on 4-chan about Hakase (professor), an 8-year-old genius who invented and built her. Being a robot, she feels she can’t morally click the captcha to show she’s not a robot, and is therefore unable to post the message, despite that she wouldn’t be considered a robot in this context.
This is forgetting, of course, that Russia has enough nuclear weapons to wipe the UK off the face of the earth before we even land the first troops on Russian soil.
With that in mind, I guess he’s insinuating we’re going to be embroiled in yet another proxy war in the not-too-distant future. I can’t wait to find out which poor country is going to get screwed over for the next 20 years in the name of “freedom”, only for us to give up and let everything slide back into an even worse state yet again, because Afghanistan and Iraq taught us nothing in that regard.
How the fuck does a chat program justify a workforce of one thousand employees in the first place?! How do they expect to ever get in the green when they’re spending that much money on staff?
Is their entire business model to just endlessly pull in V.C. money and “grow” until they can’t get investors on board anymore? Actually, don’t answer that one, I assume that’s how almost every tech company works these days, and at some point it’s all going to crash.
Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again…
Nah, the final arc is huge, far too long for even a 2 cour season, and there’s still a mini arc before that to tie up a loose end from season 3. Plus, I doubt they’ve storyboarded any of the unreleased chapters yet. At a guess I’d expect this to be 13 eps, then a couple more years wait, then a 2-cour season and finally a tie-in movie to finish. That being said we still don’t know how many chapters remain so it could go on longer than that.
I can’t imagine the data would even be readable after all this time. Hard Drives ain’t built to survive being in a tip for a decade, so the odds that water, corrosive liquid and gas got in there is pretty high. That layer that actually holds the data on the platter is incredibly delicate of course, so I wouldn’t hold any hope that the platter could even be removed and read. Must be terrible to have to get up for work every day knowing what slipped through your fingers.