Yup looks like unhealthy cannabis to me. If it was raspberry like another commenter mentioned, there would be some small thorns. I do not consider myself an expert, but I have worked with plants all my life and keep plant ID books handy.
Yup looks like unhealthy cannabis to me. If it was raspberry like another commenter mentioned, there would be some small thorns. I do not consider myself an expert, but I have worked with plants all my life and keep plant ID books handy.
Thanks OP, I’m all signed up! I haven’t volunteered with these guys since the failed Ontario vote for PR many years ago. Good to see they’re still trying, sad to see they haven’t succeeded. Hopefully it has more success in the modern day.
In advance I would like to warn any young folks in the crowd that the media will aggressively fight any shift to PR by purposely misinforming and generally confusing people about how it works. They have to do this because any form of proportional representation will harm the profits of their corporate overlords. You can combat this by educating yourself on the subject and eagerly explaining to any friends or family who will listen. Pretty much the whole modern world except for Canada and USA use some form of proportional representation.
Unsure why Canada is even mentioned. The problems in the article are the result of USA insanity. Comic book artists can come to Canada and avoid the USA without facing these issues. Why anyone would even consider visiting the USA, or expect special treatment with Trump constantly screaming xenophobic shit is beyond my understanding.
Yeah they’re clearly lying to put more focus on their business. They must know about their many small competitors throughout the country. In my area everyone knows Kawartha Dairy is superior to Chapman’s, Kawartha is just more expensive and harder to find cause they’re smaller.
I was lead hand for the drill crew of a lagging and shoring company. Boss sent us to start on a site that was completely covered in ice over a foot thick. We told management the site was too icy to work safely, but they insisted. They also insisted on sending us in with a brand new employee that had zero training and was essentially tasked with watching us and taking notes for the bosses. So I’m moving ten ton steel beams in a skid steer on ice and this dipshit new employee wouldn’t stop running in and out of my blind spots despite my pleas.
Around lunch time the guy gets clipped by a steel beam I’m moving. Thankfully it only caught his jacket and knocked him over, direct contact would mean broken bones and likely death. But it pissed me off enough that I threw the vehicle keys into a snowbank. Then I went to the site supervisor and explained the situation, causing my employer to get kicked off site. Then I called the Ministry of Labour on my employer ensuring an inspector shows up and fines them. Then I called my boss and quit. The company lost over 1.5 mil between fines and lost contracts, shut down a few months later. Felt really fucking good.
I hope some of those US citizens includes the people Trump sent to Ukraine to chat with Zelensky’s opposition.
If you’re going to post this, you should really mention the full movie that goes with it. I watch it at least once a year, its great. https://youtu.be/3CZQkzoAUSo
Yup. After watching the debate I began predicting another Ford majority and another record-low voter turnout. Glad I was wrong about the latter.
I’ve always voted NDP, but this was the first time in twenty years of voting that I didn’t feel great about it.
My Polish father in law makes it with bacon and it is by far the best fermented food I’ve ever enjoyed. I’ll see if I can get the recipe.
He knows President Trump signed the original deal. But now that he’s King Trump, he expects something more in line with the despots he’s trying to emulate.
His family has a lot of Canadian ties. His mother is Canadian and his grandfather moved to South Africa from Canada because we weren’t apartheid enough.
Republicans have spent my entire life defending the second amendment under the guise that it is the only way to stop a tyrannical government. Not sure why, but I feel like this is should be relevant to Americans these days.
As a Canadian with half their family on either side of the Ontario/Quebec border, this shit has always pissed me off. All this animosity toward Quebec is not only ignorant, but also a driving force behind the separatist movement. The votes failed folks, that means Quebec is very much Canada and wants to stay that way. Accept that and pratice some fucking empathy with your countrymen instead of encouraging civil unrest.
What about Canada? We barely ship any drugs or contraband south and yet 90% of the guns used in violent crime here come from the USA. Most of them come from states that aren’t even near the border. More Canadians have been killed by American arms than Americans could ever be killed by Canadian drugs. The problem is the USA wants to act like some paragon of justice while also encouraging instability in their neighbours and refusing to admit their addiction to guns is a cancer to all of civilized society.
We are very much on Trek. For reference, check out season 3 episodes 11 and 12 of Deep Space Nine. These episodes take place on Earth in 2024, roughly six months ago. It was always clearly laid out in Trek that their path to utopia was paved with war and hardship.
Well that and the fact that our first contact in Trek is with a peaceful but vastly superior race. We had everything to gain by creating an alliance and could have easily been wiped out by Klingons or Romulans if we didn’t.
Expanding access will be even harder as Trump continues to antagonize Denmark, the primary producer of these drugs. I doubt many Americans realize the same people in charge of Greenland are the ones curing their obesity epidemic.
Really? Everyone I talk to is still stuck on this https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/freeland-disney-plus-1.6815024 appologizing doesn’t change the fact that she’s so out of touch she thinks cancelling a streaming service will save your finances. Not someone I would trust during trying economic times.
How about I trade you two dozen eggs for those bills? Eggs are only worth a few dollars a dozen north of the border. We’d share more, but your leader is threatening our future.
If you think thats weird you haven’t even scratched the surface on Zuck. He actually idolizes Emperor Augustus Caesar so much that he copied the guys haircut for most of his career. Behind the Bastards does a good job of highlighting it. If you want a quick readable version, here’s the first non paywalled article I could find. https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-fascinated-by-augustus-future-of-facebook-2018-9