It’s like a chocolate hedgehog
It’s like a chocolate hedgehog
Stop sucking Bruce’s dick and chill man. No progress unless it’s “perfect” progress leaves us with nothing. What about this has hurt you so bad to spend 10 paragraphs advocating for complete inaction. Amazon does not need your help.
I don’t get why we’re still giving Phil Anselmo work
Bomberman 64 for the curious
Computer, define “sleeper fatty”
Hey there choom
Eustace has trouble putting the mask on these days
“Free Speech Absolutist”
Wow posted from the conservative mothers in West Seattle news site
First thing I thought of also. With the face of Desmond Miles from Assassins Creed
Naw this guy has literal white supremacist and Nazi tattoos
In Seattle they’ve unfortunately usually been cops AND looters
Looks ready to Cruise the World
What does free market even mean?
Is this a reference to smoke dogg snooping weed?
My brain could only see firms as firearms and I was very confused
Wow this child became an image macro fast
My meat looking at me
Is Elon gonna fund Firefall 2 now? Right after Mark abandons his current grift he’s been stringing people along with for years