It’s the forced tyranny that is a problem. Why Covid is such a big deal. The sheep need to go hide in their bubble and stop imposing their will on others. Do as I say or suffer is their way of operating.
It’s the forced tyranny that is a problem. Why Covid is such a big deal. The sheep need to go hide in their bubble and stop imposing their will on others. Do as I say or suffer is their way of operating.
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The whole reason Covid is such a big thing is due to the forced medical tyranny. Under the guise of this plague. We see all our freedoms being eroded away. Forced to get jabbed to work. Forced to get jabbed to go to school. Forced to mark to travel. This is the reason why this is so polarizing. If only they didn’t force this stuff. We would never have to worry about or fight anything. The sheep can sit in a bubble for all we care. As long as they are not forcing the others to get on their loopy train too. But the reality is they are and it’s their way or no way. Which is why we have to fight and go the other way.
Where do we get light bulbs now for our ovens and other specialty locations that require the old incandescent light bulb?
Planetside 2
10 years and counting
Starport GE
15 years and counting
There are reports of people getting it working that I heard. But I don’t think it is going to be a pleasant experience. Planetside 2 requires plenty of cpu horsepower.
Planetside 2. Been playing for a decade. One of the best games and only one in its genre of MMOFPS. I don’t know what I will play when it dies. It’s the one and only thing I play and enjoy now. Nothing else is fun.
Starport GE. Amazing little game. Played tons of it. It’s been almost 18 years of it. Played hardcore for atleast a decade before life got in the way and winded down now. My brother manages the account and activity now. Still alive but barely. It’s a game of strategy and alliances and carefully managing a galaxy to control it all. Make friends make enemies. There’s been dozens of people that have come and gone over the years through it. Due to its small player size. We all knew each other very well and were acquainted. You don’t like someone you decide to go to war with them start taking all their colonies. The game has no alliance mechanism or war mechanism. It’s all on you to decide what to make of it.
I know everyone here got many favorite and probably wonderful games but who here has played only 2 games with more than a decade of dedication to each?
There is one thing that felt really wrong when I first started watching it and still does sometimes with the show. It feels like it is sped up. But I no longer notice it and it feels fine now mostly.