Sibeth Kane has entered the chat.
Sibeth Kane has entered the chat.
“Why is there a waste management facility directly behind a playground? Sometimes there are kids there!!!”
Hey! I was using Memmy as well, but stopped a couple weeks ago since the developers aren’t doing much on there (no shade to them - it’s a free project so I appreciate what they did at all!). I recently switched to Voyager and it’s been seamless and appears to be better supported.
Voyager still has some slight bugs but it’s pretty good
I agree with the sentiment, but from a legal standpoint individuals who are subpoenaed don’t get to set the terms. The GOP is is hypocritical as shit and it’s ridiculous they’re doing this sham investigation to begin with AND they should have accepted Hunters counter to testify publicly. But, a subpoena is still a subpoena.
I’m pointing out there are legitimate places for a towel hook with hidden camera to be located. Something used for illegal activity is on the onus of the person performing the illegal act, not the manufacturer or distributor of the tool.
If something is only used for illegal activity, then I agree Amazon would have culpability.
No one is blaming the hammer manufacturer or Home Depot for selling a hammer to the guy who attacked Pelosi’s husband. You blame the moron for being a trash human. Same is true here - there are legitimate uses of a towel hook camera. Placing one in the bathroom is not one of them, and the person who placed it there is the only person at fault.
You do realize just cause it’s called a “towel hook”doesn’t mean it only holds towels, right? Also - towels aren’t exclusively hung in bathrooms.
Seems like a weird change - when I reload a slightly older version it still works fine to login ie v1.1 (68))
Yes - developers did a big refresh recently. Closest thing to Apollo I’ve seen
Check out Memmy!!! I’m using it now and love it
You heard it hear first: ZombieTheZombieCat is astroturfing on behalf of Reddit, Twitter, and Meta Threads ;)
/s for those who need it
Often times the price is the same whether you’re using Credit Card or paying cash. That means the X% fees the business pays to credit card companies is built into the price of your purchase. I’d you’re not paying with a credit (and hence not getting cashback) you’re actually losing money / paying more.
Those are not even remotely the same thing.
Politicians lying is a bad thing. Politicians making laws that harm Americans for things that they do themselves is worse. It’s lying plus damaging our society.
Clinton lying about his affair didn’t impact any other American other than Monica Lewinsky and his wife.
I’m going to have to re-read Project Hail Mary cause I’ve seen it recommended so many times, but I personally didn’t love it. I’m big Andy Wier fan - and absolutely loved The Martian.
With PHM, it felt like there were too many situations/problems that were created and then easily solved by the narrator. Each problem was a little too outlandish to then have a convenient solution right away.
Don’t be ridiculous. A bunch of little saws will do just fine
What’s wrong with his horse? I’m no Reagan-stan but we don’t need to be taking shots at his horse!
/s for those need it
After all that growth - you’re still focusing on how you landed a girl /s
Congrats and good luck in your future marriage!
Okay capitalists
/s for good measure :)
Hard to tuck a pencil in the ear when also wearing safety glasses and hearing protection.
Not OP but I do use AdterShokz! I bought them during Black Friday sale last year and love them! I also do a lot of running and cycling - very nice to have the background song playing while also being aware of my surroundings! I also do a lot of late night walks listening to podcasts - I feel much more comfortable knowing I could hear someone approaching me.
I listen when to music / podcasts doing chores around the house. My wife doesn’t realize alot of the times and starts talking to me and I miss first half of what she said. I told my wife when buying them I’d be able to hear her now! Turns out I listen too loud still and can’t comprehend what she is saying when first talking while headphones are still playing. So… don’t use that as buying excuse :)
Means testing has been shown to cost significantly more. That’s why I’m a fan of universal programs and not welfare programs (like the one in this study).
I would argue someone making six figures getting 10% more will have a big impact still. Give everyone the benefit, even billionaires. Using your argument, the billionaire won’t care about getting an extra $1,000 - that’s nothing to them. But no one feels “cheated” because you arbitrarily put the limit, and you know no one else is cheating the system because there is no system to cheat!
Paying for universal programs would require changing our tax structure, which I’m also supportive of.