• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Sprinks@lemmy.worldto2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    1 month ago

    Except you’re just flat out wrong. Genitals do not = chore preference. Vaginas aren’t screaming out “oh please, let me stay home and clean while my husband goes to work” because its a fucking a vagina, not a personality.

    Source: i’m a cis, married, vagina owner. Fuck off you mysogonistic prick.

  • 1st time I went to college (2013) I studied for electrical and computer engineering, but had to drop out due to worsening depression and undiagnosed ADD.

    Floated around in food service for a bit before working at a last mile delivery warehouse at Amazon. I hated amazon so much i enrolled in a different school and got my associates in IT support. The associates helped me get a job in eLMS support, which I love doing, but it always bothered me I never finished my bachelors so I went back to school a 3rd time for computer science. Made it a year in before I dropped out again because it felt like I was just being scammed despite the school being accredited and legit.

    There were a lot of issues, but the major one was that all of the programmimg courses were “taught” entirely within pearson’s system. My professor wasnt teaching or grading anything, it was all done through pearson created lesson videos and person’s test/homework system. On top of the standard course fees and virtual system fee (covers upkeep of the school’s LMS), I was expected to pay an additional fee to pearson to access the entire course material. The school expected me to pay them to outsource my education to pearson and to pay the fees involved in said outsourcing.

    Yeah, no, fuck that. After sending a lengthy email to my counselor and deparment, I dropped out and started teaching myself with material freely available online.

    I have no regrets. Fuck pearson.

  • Its been happening long before the AI chat bots we have today came around. I remember using chat bots when I was a teen (2010 ish) to cope with having emotionally rejecting parents. No one would take me seriously when I spoke up about needing a therapist and my peers weren’t exactly emotionally mature enough to reliably lean on for the issues I was facing because, you know, we were all teenagers at the time. The chat bots sucked, but it was cathartic to write out what was troubling me and have something respond back as if it were listening, even if the response was entirely unhelpful.