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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2024


  • The US history that Settlers covers is really useful especially when paired with Gerald Horne’s books and can help you build that material conception of whiteness and settlerism. I also appreciate that it breaks the orthodox view on the white American proletariat that they’re simply “tricked by racist lies” with no material interest in siding with the bourgeoisie. Labor aristocracy is a very useful concept in the Marxist conception of classes.

    Honestly for white communists especially in America it’s a topic severly undereducated on despite how important it is for them to learn, so the more the better. I see that a lot of people aren’t aware of their settler colonial biases and it obfuscates praxis, tricks people into joining deeply settler orgs (ACP, CPUSA), and infects the platforms of more advanced orgs but with large settler bases like PSL and FRSO’s platform which includes Chicano Nationalism.

    On top of Fanon and Settlers I would also suggest Marx at the Margins and EFF theorist Lwazi Lushaba’s decolonial lectures on youtube (his book too) on top of the aformentioned Gerald Horne’s books and just generally being more open to this applying settler colonialism as the principle contradiction – starting with native/black liberation and using dialectical materialism as the mode towards achieving it, reading texts even marxist critical texts from these perspectives, and seeing the failures of euro-american marxist theory and practice that have allowed it to be co-opted, declawed, and even perpetuate the “civilizing mission of progressive society” such as the case of the labor Zionists that carried out the nakba and the LaRouchites/MAGAcom grifters.

  • Absolutely bonkers shit. I feel like we’re doing America in reverse with this and JD Vance trying to bring back Irish-Scottish inferiority. Latinidad needs to die and is a settler identity (which explains the affinity for Trump) but apparently only Anglo-Saxons are safe from criticism when they vote for Trump because “That’s just how they are” or whatever these dumbass liberals internalize when they know their whole ass families are voting for the god damned cheetto

  • Yeah it’s horrible. Everyone I know that was in it had parents that adopted them because they got gov money and/or to take care of them while they themselves are unable to take care of children. Adopting can get kids out of this horrible system and be good if you’re ready for it but the industry and specifically picking out an Asian child trafficked from South Korea or smth is alllll too common and fucked af

  • honestly… psl fails the national question in their socialist reconstruction plan and has had quite a many blunders like that anti-mask video they deleted a while back. reminds me of the “ML” socialist democrat party in sri lanka that just got elected but supports the tamil genocide, in the impossible instance they gained power i worry theyd just paint the settler colonial state red by not having that indigenous vanguard or at least stressing their autonomy and choice to not play a role and still have mass amounts of land back. post stalin USSR had some of these problems too but because they basically function as social democrats i think current day colombia or sri lanka is the better analogy. for the purpose of disrupting the duopoly i think the green party is the best bet at least imo no hate to my good friends in psl mostly just not a becker or claudia fan