Switched to these after years of boxers and a stint with regular briefs. Duluth is my brand of choice but regardless the separation/support is a complete game changer.
Switched to these after years of boxers and a stint with regular briefs. Duluth is my brand of choice but regardless the separation/support is a complete game changer.
Cinnamon is on the roll, not the chili. Don’t knock it till you try it, the sweet/savory combination is a Midwest classic for a reason.
Next time try chili and cinnamon rolls.
Gotta add Black Sheep and Tommy Boy to the list. Peak Farley/Spade era.
This is it for me. There are a lot of things that aren’t awesome about owning and maintaining a house, but not dealing with a smug, PITA landlord every month is absolutely worth it to me.
I confidently confused a CRM with CMS, and then spent the next four months on my new job frantically working to understand how a CRM works. Lol I figured it out, mainly because nobody before me had taken the time to do so.
“no” is a complete sentence btw.
por que no los dos
It’s less complicated than even that, it’s about real estate value, which is where McDonald’s corporate arm really makes it’s money. It’s easier to sell a full gray box than one that is so obviously a McDonalds in a past life. Same thing has happened with Pizza Hut, they don’t build them with the classic roofline anymore.
That’s the thing about abusive relationships, when you’re in them long enough you’re often manipulated to the point where the abuser makes you think your actions are the problem. Making me question reality, and myself was her modus operandi. Looking back yeah, there were plenty of red flags, but I also had such a low opinion of myself I accepted the kind of relationship I felt I deserved, until she pushed me past my breaking point. Having a kid also complicated matters; seemed like that was a major turning point in her narcissistic abusive descent. Then you sprinkle on a little sunk cost fallacy and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
I’ll spare the details and just give you the highlights:
Heed my words, dudes: if you must have a joint checking account, have your direct deposit go to an account only in your name. I didn’t and she cleaned me out to buy crack.
Got married. 0/10 would not recommend.
I largely have as well, but I fucking hate that forced ignorance is my only path to mental and emotional regulation.
While this is not incorrect, it needs to be stated for the record that Dave Ramsey is a fucking tool.
Given the current state of sequels, prequels and reboots, this makes sense.
My S21 is on the verge of losing regular security updates, and I hate it. The battery is fine, the camera is more than adequate, I do not want to upgrade.
Well hey I’m not in a union and I’ll insult you too, fish lips.
I said goodbye to theaters years ago; the cost of attendance is unjustifiable anymore.