Wow, so organised. My OCD brain realllllly likes the look of that. Thanks for the tip!
Getting to know Lemmy.
Wow, so organised. My OCD brain realllllly likes the look of that. Thanks for the tip!
Maybe a hole on both ends to prevent it from unravelling. I don’t know anyone who has a 3D printer, or if they do, they live too far away. Would be interested to see how yours come out when you print them!
Oh, I gotcha. That looks secure, I’ll definitely consider it, thank you.
That’s fantastic. I definitely got it wrong in my head. I’ll give it a go, thank you.
Do you find at all that the thread gets caught in the nicks, though, and frays?
I feel like I can picture it, but I could be completely wrong. A photo would be most helpful if you have a minute. 😊
I tried a few different ways, but I definitely found that this worked the best. I might give it a go and tuck the end under the wound bit, too.
The tackle box is a brilliant idea. I just don’t have enough thread right now to justify one, and the craft shop ones specifically for thread organising are so expensive. 😢 Originally thought of getting a big metal ring to hold them together, but with this thread issue, it’d be a nightmare.
I have both, haha. I cut the length of floss I can handle, and leave the unneeded stuff wrapped up like how you get them from the store. “working” floss is wrapped around bobbins.
Plastic baggies for both.
I went to Spotlight again today, and found this interesting tool:
I don’t have that much floss to need one of these. 😂
I suppose I could put more thread on the bobbins, but how do you manage the remaining 2/4 strands if you only use 2 out of 6?
(I have poor terminology, sorry.) So we generally use two strands to stitch, and each floss (?) has 6 strands (?), right? What do you do with the 2/4 that you don’t use for the current project? Do you wind it back on the bobbin?
My problem is that the last bit wrapped around the two bottom slits will still unwind to some degree, the 2/4 ones being much more of a mess than a full 6 strander.
We are a rare breed for sure. Always happy to discuss any topics related to my job any time, but not argue or try to convince people they’re going to get someone sick. I do that enough during work hours.
I’m an environmental health officer, formerly a food technologist. I inspect food businesses (home businesses all the way up to big manufacturers), childcare facilities, hospitals, accommodation (hotels, motels, aged care, rooming houses), beauty businesses (nails, tattoo, waxing, etc), recreational water (pools, beaches, lakes, etc), wastewater systems.
I investigate complaints regarding any of the above, pests, environmental pollution (dust, noise, nuisance complaints), secondary impact assessments (after a major incident like fire, flood, earthquake), food borne illnesses, communicable diseases, food recalls.
Not an inclusive list. We are on the prevention side rather than the reactive side like nurses and doctors, so we tend to go unnoticed.
I don’t think there’s an active community anywhere for EHOs. Anyone know of any? I follow some food communities, but that’s it. I don’t get involved with people arguing about food safety on the internet because there are some people whose minds can’t be changed.
Edit: Sorry, this came out way longer than I expected. Still in bed, haven’t had coffee yet, still kind of groggy… But it’s the weekend.
My kitchen knives, definitely. Just came back from Japan with an expensive one, so it better last my whole life. Also, if I move countries, it isn’t something I have to buy again because of different outlet plugs and stuff, and it’s not heavy either.
I hear ya. I’m not a fan of the smell either, but for what I use it for, it works wonders. I also use Lucas Paw Paw when I can. It smells way nicer.
Why did your grandparents ruin Vaseline for you? Sorry, I wasn’t clear. Just wondering what kind of detriments I could be doing to myself by using Vaseline.
Oh boy. Please explain. 😬
Vaseline. Is that non-standard? It doubles as lip balm and for those really dry patches of skin that come around (currently in Japan and it’s been dry af). Or even for small cuts, or used as hand cream.
Also can be used as a fire starter (for camping, just to clarify!).
I’ve just boiled the room kettle a few times, and leave the shower and bathroom door open before bed (not during a shower). Helps a bit, anyway.
When someone I’ve gifted food to sends me a message later in the day telling me the food, bread, whatever was sensational. It tells me that I’ve nailed their food preferences and tastes. I’ve done a good job.
Food is my love language and it’s how I like to say thank you and show appreciation.
This shows how much I didn’t enjoy the second one - I couldn’t even remember if there was one or two sequels, but I do remember there was supposedly another instalment in the works.
I was playing around with the bobbins again tonight, and this is, what I’ve decided on for the time being.
Not the best, but it’s more secure than what I was doing. Thank you, everyone!