But isn’t that all energy drinks? Not that I have any clue, the only times I ever drank them was when I was 17 and they were mixed with vodka.
God forbid people enjoy things in life.
Yup as soon as I saw gen Z based I knew. 5-10 years ago this would have been the opposite, it’s always the generation of new adults that thinks they’re hip and cool while looking down on the “kids”. When I was younger we (millennials) all thought we were the coolest and made fun of gen Z for being cringe. Now gen Z thinks they’re cool but soon enough they’ll be old and lame too and gen Alpha will have the spotlight.
Just wait till a kid hits you with “sir” for the first time and then looks at you weird when you insist you’re not that old.
Honestly they already have the answer, I think Survivor-Like is the perfect one, and coincidentally the one that was used first (as I recall). Makes sense considering we have Rogue-Likes, and used to have Doom-Likes.
All the other ones are too broad. Action Rogue-Like describes many other types of games, bullet heaven/bullet hell or whatever doesn’t apply to all Survivor-Likes as some don’t even have bullets, and Vampire-Survivors-Like is just too long.
In this context it just refers to a post processing effect that blurs certain objects based on their distance to the camera. Honestly it is one of the less bad ones imo, as it can be well done and is sometimes necessary to pull off a certain look.
It’s not exactly the same, but has similar “colony builder” vibes: Prison architect
The kind of idiot that boasts about “system tweaks” and “audiophile headphones”.
Sweet, then I could finally play oblivion instead of giving up after the 34th crash
Honestly I disagree.
Should a book detailing how to kill yourself with household items be in a school library? Sometimes it’s about protecting people from themselves.
I do agree that Mein Kampf should not be banned (and funnily enough, contrary to popular belief it never was banned in Germany), but please don’t put it in every library. I would feel weird handing a child a copy of it, even if it was annotated. They lack the critical thinking skills and context surrounding it, and might misinterpret its contents. Anyway I’m not saying I’m right, that’s just my opinion.
PS: I like your phrase “it speaks for itself” because in my eyes, all books “speak” to you, but not all of them say the right things. It’s up to the reader to interpret it, and not everyone is capable of that.
That’s a great point about the IRS. Where I’m from we also make a lot of derogatory jokes about our equivalent of the IRS, but it really is a cornerstone of any civilized country. No one likes getting taxed, but everyone complains about how nothing’s getting fixed, and how the government should fund this and that. Without taxes we might as well pack it in, so it makes sense that the ‘local tax collection agency’ should be one of the better funded ones.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is thanks for changing my mind
This implies that trolls will someday go extinct, as the only way to create new trolls is for two existing ones to have children.
I started out with a laptop and it worked fine, but I always wondered, wouldn’t the energy consumption be much higher? Even with the screen off, a laptop isn’t made to run 24/7, right?
Thank you! I was also very confused how all these privacy-conscious people warned against big corporations, and then starting using a product… By a big corporation. Just because they say they’re privacy conscious and nice and safe and whatever doesn’t mean it’s true. I mean, they might be substantially better, but there’s no proof of that. Every company always makes promises, at first. I guess people really like to believe in an underdog.
It’s like if someone warned you against eating sweets because they’re unhealthy, but then pulls out their own bag of sweets saying “oh no, these sweets are fine because the company that makes them promised they’re healthy”.
Aw man, I was just about to ask how that works because it sounds super convenient and I’d never heard of it.
Idk about that, with even just a few chickens you could feed a family of humans reliably. A creature’s “value” ist not based on whether or not they’re as smart or capable as humans. When I was growing up we had some chickens and they fed us with eggs for my entire childhood. That’s some value right there.
On the other hand, we humans are devaluing their lives by mass-producing and mass-killing them before they’re even grown up and able to show their value.
Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure my value is negative. I don’t contribute anything to society, I simply consume and pollute.
It’s all relative.
Lol you people are so edgy, don’t worry you’re very cool with your stories of rejecting menus and being a dick to waiters who have no say in the matter.
No wonder COVID had no trouble spreading if everyone is so insistent on holding soggy stained menus in their hands. I love digital menus, don’t need to touch anything, there’s enough for everyone, why the need to always be a contrarian?
Now go ahead and downvote me, my body account is ready
Well, it’s also interesting for non native speakers who never thought about it, or just didn’t make the connection. I always assumed that was the reason for the term, but it’s nice to have confirmation.
Why? What’s so special about aviation that it benefits from imperial units?
Interesting read, still leaves a lot of stuff unanswered but some aspects were crazy, like when they said that they found remains buried with weapons and just assumed it was a male, until someone looked at the bones and found the opposite. Like isn’t that your job to check things before making assumptions?