I found “similar enough” looking models from Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniature Line and the Vulkyn Flameseekers from Warhammer’s Warcry.
Considering one was a bearded human bard and the other was a half-elf with a pony tail, I was lucky to find a bard with a beard and pony tail combo blister that could work for both (converting one with the signature crossbows), then I just picked a random sorceress from the line and replaced a Dwarf’s axe with the everburn blade. With a similar enough paintjob people dismiss all the indiscrepencies like one would a cold reading.
quality post
Nice classic look
I’m in awe of Twilight Eclipse’s genuine hair.
No, it’s one of the heads of the regular kit.
Everything is labeled butter except the butter. I feel that there is an “I can’t believe it’s not butter” joke in there.
He be worthy.
I don’t care how many times I see it, it’s still such a cool effect to do on Stealth Suits.
Well, my Orks main fluff is that they’re a grouping together of disparate clans as brought under the boot of Ghazghkull Thraka.
My Aeldari are painted in autumn colors and markings as one big “fall of the Eldar” pun.
I have a group of T’au who are scouts and fighters on a fringe, with some scrappy resources and having to have merged units together from Auxilliaries. Galg (and an unnamed plant based species) take on the role of Stealth Suits, Demiurg and Gue’vesa make up half the pathfinders, but of course it’s homeworld original T’au Sept T’au in charge.
Then there are these groups of bare ceramite clad warriors whose special doctrines involve obfuscating their leaders (by not marking them out with any special colors like other chapters would their Sgts) and quick adaptive weapon swaps in battle. Their homeworld is Planus Noctis which is renowned for its stretches of featureless landscapes.
I watched it. It felt like a few chill glimpses into the setting but nothing too compelling. My favorite part was the action with the Deathmark.
I felt disappointed because I was very much planning on participating but I got sick at an out of town friend’s house and had to stay away from my home (and thus my main painting station) for the week of the competition. I’ll still post my Flash Git some other time this month.
I was actually thinking of converting some Cyboars. Sadly, it’s in the backlog of projects and I’m still working on Nazdreg, Speed Freeks, and a couple Kill Rigs first.
Napoleonic. Inspiring.
Looks neat.
Maybe instead of highlight the hair in one big edge you could instead go for a more stippled highlight.
Vallejo Model Color Black: It’s a bit boring to say, but it’s definitely my most used color.
Vallejo Game Color Scrofulous Brown: Great for my Yu Jing, but also pus, fire OSL, Gold NMM, and various other applications. It’s so nice in a glaze.
Citadel Doombull Brown: It’s just a very satisfying color for me. I use it all the time, especially for leathers and the occasional rust.
AK’s Ice Yellow. When in doubt, I just mix this in for a highlight color.
Dark Reaper / Dark Sea Blue. I just need a dark blue-gray all the time either as a shadow color or as the first highlight for black.
Honorable mention: Blood for the Blood God.
The co-op campaign took about three months for us to complete. The minis? About 3-4 hours each I wasn’t counting.