Creation Engine devs like to do it as well. Seems to be a general thing in the industry
Creation Engine devs like to do it as well. Seems to be a general thing in the industry
Nice microphone. What brand is that?
Hate to block people but I hate assholes who feel insulted by some memes because they ridicule what they really think quite well even more. There’s a place for being a pretentious dumbass but the comment section just isn’t it.
No. The flesh is weak. The machine is immortal.
Flesh is fallible but ritual honours the machine spirit.
All hail the Omnissiah.
I’ve recently stopped reading book three of the Malazan series and don’t actually know why tbh. Kinda bored me after binging the first two books.
I started the Way Of Kings just yesterday though. What a weird world Brandon Sanderson crafted there.
Oh man. It took me two hours in the character creation screen and one of those two hours was spent deciding on what custom character I was going to play.
Haven’t looked up anything on BG3 and made myself forget that it released in EA a couple of years ago. So far, I’m just utterly amazed by it. Probably going to spend way too much time, that I don’t have, on it. Worth the wait so far.
Just make shit up. Shit that no one can verify of course.
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