A lot of the ‘debunking’ here is very poor, it assumes Stallman’s innocence at every junction, argues that Stallman’s word is more important than his actions, fails to engage with the full complexity of arguments against him, and more than once uses “but he’s tender hearted, so he can’t be bad” as an argument.
Certainly not “rational and objective” like it claims.
RMS is a huge figure head and representative of free software, so it matters what he says and does.
I have seen no-one argue that everything RMS has said is bunk because of this, personally I think he has had some good ideas, sure; but that doesn’t mean I just ignore everything else because “its politics and not free Software related”.
Free Software is in itself political, maybe the links between RMS’s words and actions, and Free Software are not direct or even close - but separating “politics” and Free Software just seems like burying your head in the sand.