Paging Papa Smurf
Paging Papa Smurf
I have heard the ads. They all say both of these things every time.
“While Nintendo has trademarked the use of Super Mario worldwide under numerous categories, including video games, clothing and toys, it appears the company did not specifically state anything about the names of supermarkets.”
Kind of a legal version of the Air Bud rule.
To get this far you caught 6785 sea bass.
I don’t remember asking Elon Musk a goddamn thing!
Me too James. Me too.
Got a lawn mower and a bass guitar. Seriously they do everything.
Yeah! And can anyone tell me what sleeper fatty means without that getting into my search history?
Why do people have this fear of deer?
I don’t think you can jump to Linux. Don’t you have to strut there wearing sexy tights?
There’s a secret 3rd option
It’s not a tumor!
You came here from r/theydidthemath, didn’t you?
Good one. Pretty sure I’d die in that water tunnel just like back then.
I mean, it’s not even a contest
You, Lurgee, and Blow Out are still awesome tracks.
In my country, Data enters you!