Sounds interesting. I’ll look that up, thanks!
Sounds interesting. I’ll look that up, thanks!
I’m here and trying to explain why my PiHole is blocking the first Google search advertisment links…
Dude… wtf
Rejectofrage Act of Rage & Rejecta
Sid Meier’s Pirates and Minecraft
How to kill child with fork?
That’s hilarious but I would also cringe every time.
“working as a server” - I have to get rid of thinking everything is about computers…
Mostly I play games or browse the web / watch videos - But I do all of this with a dock and mouse and keyboard.
Manjaro <3
I have a group of friends that I have been playing CSGO with every night for years. We now all have over several thousand hours and don’t really play seriously on low rank and just have fun together. I couldn’t not play the game tryhard after a day at work…but then with so much experience it’s not a problem anymore.
Act of Rage & Digital Punk - Till Sunrise (Sefa & Act of Rage Remix)
I did not put the SteamDeck in BSM before installing the SSD. I think this should avoid the problems I had. The BSM is disabled when you plug in a charger or switch the deck on again, so there is no downside to this.
Yes, I skipped both of your options completely. Maybe this is the way to avoid this error.
Yeah, I couldn’t make sense of it either, but this worked like a charm and has worked for others. A friend of mine was having touch issues and was also told to put it in battery backup mode and that fixed it too.
I’ve found them to be very useful for games that require you to use the mouse a few times, and my God, the radial menu it can create is godlike. I also use it to activate the gyro.
Bei uns steht seit nun 4-5 Jahren eine Flasche True Fruits Orange im Schrank. Die Kollegin, welche die Flasche damals erworben hat, arbeitet inzwischen nicht mehr hier und es haben sich verschiedene Schichten gebildet. Durch die oberste ist fast so klar wie Wasser, die unteren sind inzwischen leicht braun und dickflüssig geworden. Großer Druck scheint sich auch nicht gebildet zu haben, den Metalldeckel kann man noch eindrücken, ohne große Kraft aufwenden zu müssen. Mal schauen wann die verschwindet…Wir finden das eigentlich ganz spannend.
Ja dat klopt