• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • Who says vote D or R? Organise to have other third parties. They may not have a chance to win in federal elections, but they do well in local and state elections. Then work your way up to influence the federal government (and it’s not like there has never been a third party gaining seats in Congress and Senate).

    Read the quote from Noam Chomsky. You’re being bamboozled to think tribally. You probably just don’t hear about third parties in local and state level because the media wants you think within a spectrum of thoughts they allow people to have. Think outside the box. There are many other options.

  • Who says electoral reform only happens in blue states? Alaska has always been Republican since the beginning of its statehood but they have better electoral system with its ranked choice voting.

    Fact of the matter is that most Americans are somewhere in the middle, and have more in common than you would be led to believe. Social media being controlled by powers that be divide and conquer the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans. If Alaska managed to even have a progressive system despite being a red state, then so are others. Get like-minded people in red states to also organise. Contrary to stereotype, there are many conservatives who are sane and also agree that money in politics is the major problem. You just haven’t found them.

  • I would use the terms as they mean depending on the context of the conversation and who the audience is. If I know that my audience is American and probably less knowing of the original meaning of the terms, I would use the words liberal and conservative as they mean in American mainstream sense. But if I know that the audience is knowledgeable enough to know what the word liberal means in the classical sense, I would use the term in such a way.

  • As someone who grew up in a Catholic environment, I’m amazed that many Americans look upon highly on Catholics. It’s just as bad as any religious groups, I assure you. History is repeating (or rhyming again depending on your pov) of several ultraconservative Catholic clergies being far right sympathisers. Just before World War 2, there was a Nazi sympathising American Catholic priest who regularly broadcast on the radio berating Franklin Roosevelt and his policies (his radio station was shut down after the US entered the war). The Vatican has also been criticised by many for being quiet on the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. Although, on the one hand, many parish did shelter Jews and called out the Nazis, but many Catholics were fans of Hitler and his party.

  • That lesser evil still don’t want Medicare for all, raise the federal minimum wage, and building more affordable housing-- all of which are actually what suffocate many Americans in the ever worsening wealth inequality. That’s why people took the chance to vote Trump who promised tax cut, even though most Americans know they it doesn’t actually benefit them but the 1%.

    Look outside of the American mainstream news bubble and discourse that want you to pick the two lesser evils, instead of thinking outside the box. The only way for ordinary Americans to win basic rights is to organise and mobilise by advocating both ranked choice voting and promoting third parties. It won’t happen in federal level so start on the local and state levels, and the changes will go up the chain to federal level. It’s not like Americans haven’t gone and out mobilised before for a better change. The people simply need to rediscover that they have the power.