Tribal Montanans have care through BIA. I wonder if BIA serves Tribal members anywhere in the US?
Tribal Montanans have care through BIA. I wonder if BIA serves Tribal members anywhere in the US?
“The move could impact clubs, classes and other institutional programs but carves out an exception for campus activities required to retain accreditation.” So DEI isn’t required for accreditation. Maybe it should be? These states’ schools should lose funding or status or something.
Do you mean anyone Alaska born or Native American Alaskans?
What about Massachusetts’ Romneycare? Wasn’t that one?
Ah ok. Yes, these people are being unpatriotic to the US by wanting to secede from the US. But many Texans are more patriotic towards Texas than the US. But it’s just because there’s a Democrat president. When their believed cheetoh jeezus was in office, no one in TX was trying to secede & it was all “USA USA!!!” I lived in Texas for 40 years & they bring up seceding every few years when they don’t like the president. It’s really stupid & will never actually happen.
Charge who? And in what form? Interstates in Texas are not toll roads. A little from fuel taxes & vehicle registrations maybe, but certainly not enough to maintain all the interstate (i.e. Federal) highways.
And highways. Those idiots have no idea how much federal funding goes to their million miles of highways.
Yes, that’s exactly what these asshats are. Texas, not USA, is the “country” they’re nationalist about. That’s why they call themselves Texas Nationalists not nationalist Texans. A bunch of them are actually nationalist Texans too but they’re too dumb to see the contradiction. Just like they’re too dumb to see the contradiction when flying a US flag & a confederate flag together. They’re not the sharpest tools in the shed; they’d literally shoot off their own feet if they thought it might pwn the libs.
Spawn camping?
Hmmm they’d really like more space up there, so probably. And also you should be concerned about the subject - verb agreement in your sticker.
Great but why is he sitting on something so dirty? Poor Bob.
Need a better fat for this application. Also you didn’t specify hot water, which is essential according to every abuelita I’ve talked to about it.
It’s an authentic delicious tortilla recipe. Nobody asked for a crappy lite tortilla recipe. Not cool to yuck someone else’s yum man.
Were you there? You haven’t shared your 1st hand witness account.
This is clearly overseas customer service rep with a script. It happens every time I “chat with customer service” for any business at all. Or it’s an AI chat, which is equally possible.
That’s not the word. The word for that is peet. Peet or paw or beans. There is no hoof here.
A lot of times they don’t do placebo once the trial gets to that stage. My dad with cancer was a treatment guinea pig & one of the study stipulations was that they wouldn’t get placebo. Too cruel to get their hopes up. ETA: I know this one states it had placebo group. And I understand the reason for it, obviously. Just saying my dad’s experience was they promised no placebo group bc it was so late stage in testing.
They make it sound as if this is new, but this method has been studied for decades… My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in Jan of 2013. He happened to get into clinical trials that basically had him “living with cancer” for 5 years. It wasn’t until the last few months that the cancer outpaced the drugs and took over, invading his brain, then it was only a matter of a very short time before the brain cancer ruptured & killed him. But prior to that, he got 5 years. The drugs he was on??? Targeted immunotherapy including a lot of mRNA vaccine therapy. (Turns out he was a guinea pig for the technology that would be used in Covid vaccines. He always hoped his clinical trials would help future patients, he just had no idea how far reaching that would really be.)
The problem is, cancer is in essence a mutation machine, which means it quickly outpaces our ability to create the vaccines. I think we’ll get there; just going to take a while before we learn how to keep up.
Most all of them.
From the article: "The chains are CVS, Walgreens, Cigna, Optum Rx, Walmart, Kroger, Rite Aid and Amazon. CVS, Kroger and Rite Aid, which have a total of about 11,000 locations nationwide, don’t require store staff to run the requests past company lawyers before complying.
Only Amazon notifies customers that it received a subpoena or warrant for their prescription data."
No, very few highways are toll roads. Houston has 1, Austin has a couple.
Usually the biggest interstates are Federal, then smaller ones are State, then smaller ones are County or City, etc. Very few are toll, at least in the West & South US. I can’t speak for the densely populated states in the NE bc I’ve never been there.