there ya go. Thanks for the suggestion, and helping this be a safe and secure community.
there ya go. Thanks for the suggestion, and helping this be a safe and secure community.
got any constructive alternatives?
its always been a threat. Speed would sell his grandmother for crack money. that’s why it’s important to promote this place, right now. the entire movement could die overnight if the sub were quarantined.
As a person, you don’t get to choose what laws you follow.
Corporations on the other hand, can break whatever laws they want, pay a business tax/fine and keep on doing it. Its interesting to see the narratives on both sides and the deep divide we have in the middle, in this country. US vs THEM play book as the 1930’s
google will block all of canada until the government is quickly overthrown by all the Canadian corporations that are utterly fucked without google services. It would take a day at most.
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i think the notwithstanding clause is a provincial thing, not a federal thing. Its a concession the feds had to make in order to change the constitution in the 80’s
its a tool. like a wrench. Use it as its meant to be used, it works great. Unfortunately, it is possible to use a wrench to pound in a screw.
oh if you really want to jump down the rabbit hole, just read “your consent is not required”. everything you say, or even don’t say is considered “disordered thinking” if a psychiatrist decided it is. they are literally the chiropractors of the MD world, everything is based on opinion and drug company statements with SFA to back it up.
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These bastards always go after the trans people first.
It’s not entirely accurate to say that ‘fascists always come for the trans people first.’ The Nazis, for instance, developed a deeply horrifying eugenics program that didn’t single out any one group initially, but targeted any population they deemed ‘undesirable.’ (Google ‘T4 Project’ for more info.) Among the first victims were people with conditions we now understand as autism. In fact, the term ‘Asperger’s syndrome’ came from Hans Asperger, a clinician working in Nazi-occupied Vienna who labeled some autistic children as his ‘little professors.’ These were children he deemed could contribute to society and were thus worth saving. This is one reason why many in the autistic community prefer not to use the term ‘Asperger’s’ anymore—it’s just ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) now. If you read the book ‘Neurotribes,’ it provides an in-depth exploration of how the Nazis manipulated narratives of ‘mercy’ and ‘alleviation of suffering’ to justify their genocidal acts, starting with what they euphemistically referred to as ‘euthanasia’ of disabled children. LGBTQ+ individuals, including those we would now identify as trans, were also heavily persecuted, often being wrongfully categorized as ‘mentally ill.’ But these atrocities were widespread and multifaceted, targeting numerous groups concurrently, not sequentially.
they send data to a lot more than just facebook.
The true extent is chilling. https://robwipond.com/your-consent-is-not-required
SDM is the weak Achilles that we need to attack. If there is one part of the boycott we need to hold, its this.