Nope, you’ve got the hang of it.
Jesus Christ
Account dust
What said, but I do appreciate the lesson!
It is, in fact, significantly slower, when it works at all.
iPod was 400 or 500 when it came out.
I prefer the Framework form factor, but this is really cool.
Is that collar breakaway?
I would just get set up on MxRoute and use whatever selfhosted service you want to interact with it.
Mine has arrived but I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet.
For movies, try letterboxd.
Change your password. Make sure you haven’t used it anywhere else. Be on the lookout for an increase in phishing and spam emails.
So they’re changing the trade-in program into a buyback program?
It’s great to see stories of people successfully leaving the cult. That’s incredibly difficult to do. Proud of her.
That price is better than I feared. If I needed a keyboard, this one might be it.
Because we didn’t do enough to prevent his election
We can, though. Index funds invest in large swathes of companies - meaning that they are taking part in the productivity of the companies involved.
I use Jump for guests, Homepage for me, and Organizr for both.