Like people with nicely shaped faces?
Like people with nicely shaped faces?
Sounds like “somebody” is about to launch Xmail and AmtraX, coincidentally of course
And then 4 hours later change his mind, still on social media, still without contacting the other nato members
Time travel!
Did you just get here, or…?
Jesus Christ what a fucken shitshow
I guess he’s finally running the country like a Trump business, I just don’t get why the yukyuks think it’s a good idea
Never heard of method trolling
Probably a forklift, those things are heavy af.
What a knob, the Australians were right.
Tasmanian devil ankle tattoo.
Fuck, I know alright? It was 93 and I was barely 16
What a massive coincidence
Right up until the next election when they’ll fall in line and vote straight R
Ngl, I’d like to see just a tiny bit more brutality in the next face check. Macron was downright civil.
Right up until Election Day when they pull a Susan Collins
At least they weren’t baffled