TheFinalCapitalist [he/him]

Bringing the fight to the evil communists via the amazing soul crushing power of capital

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • wow and osrs are the ones that i still play today, though not retail wow. ive found myself sucked into the classic progression servers that are currently on the cataclysm expansion. Though i will say, the subscription fee paid to blizz gives you access to all versions of wow, whether its classic vanilla, classic progression, season of discovery(vanilla but with new stuff) as well as retail. retail though is the only version where youll have to buy the most recent expansion to get access to current endgame content.

    Overall, wow is still a pretty good game and you can find decent communities to be active in. The broader community is full of fullblown treatlers and can be overwhelmingly toxic to new players would be the primary reason why i dont really recommend people to play it

  • Midnight tides or book 5 yeah introduces the city of lether with the best duo of tehol n bug.

    I definitely 2nd this recommendation. Though fair warning, literally nothing is explained and it is up to you to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I personally think its very much worth the effort, nothing is overly complex it just has many many moving parts and you get the perspective of most of the various factions and characters in the story.