I don’t think your issue is that the article is biased, it seems like the outlet is just not sufficiently deferential to the ideological line of the US Intelligence and Defense communities and that’s enough to get you to dismiss it outright.
I don’t think your issue is that the article is biased, it seems like the outlet is just not sufficiently deferential to the ideological line of the US Intelligence and Defense communities and that’s enough to get you to dismiss it outright.
You don’t have to try and browbeat people into voting for the dems anymore, the election is over.
All of the crazy pre inauguration Trump stuff is just wrestling kayfabe.
For each age group there’s a minimum ~10% bloc of people who are willing to voice support for the execution of a healthcare CEO over the phone to a polling company.
Was this poll before or after the major news story of a woman going to jail for voicing support for him?
No country has ever been more adept at turning isolated teenagers with borderline intelligence into right wing “esoteric” ideologues, school shooters, and family annihilators. It’s a sick society and every right wing blue check account that helped radicalize this kid bears the same responsibility as her shithead parents.
If he’s being framed it will be fascinating to see the kind of Jack Ruby style crank they get to try to kill him.
We see this kind of violence as political, we understand healthcare to be political. He likely doesn’t/didn’t see his bad political takes on twitter as related to killing that guy in any way.
As Harlan Ellison once said: “I’m a crank, what do you want from me?”.
Has anyone seen high profile Republicans publicly mourning this douche? Aside from this asshole, I also saw recent vice presidential loser Tim Walz mourning the tragic loss to the “business community”.
It’s such a shame that the ultra reactionaries have the basic instinct to just shut the fuck up and say nothing when something like this happens and the “progressive” party doesn’t.
literally creating prester john
Could be productive to have some web content devoted to documenting the shithead centrist dems who ran the Harris campaign in the vain hope that people knowing their record could prevent them from working in politics in the future.
Kamala ran on Trump’s border policy!
The Republican party is still controlled in part by the defense blob. If anything he’ll pull a nixon and find a way to prolong the war while pretending to end it.
It’s just his Twitter. He was melting down this morning about purging tankies from the democrat party. The motherfucker is australian.
Realizing that Trump’s worst policies will be things that the Supreme Court would have done anyways under a Democratic president who wouldn’t have lifted a finger to reign them in or diminish their power to govern.
Also it can’t be overstated that the worst case scenario for Gaza is that Trump continues Biden’s policy on Israel.
Drew Pavlou meltdown is legendary.
Just a reminder when these people say “Ukraine is fucked”, what they mean is they believe Trump will have a less hawkish policy toward Ukraine than Biden. That he’ll pump fewer weapons into a barbaric WWI-style meat grinder in eastern Europe and engage in diplomacy. Something that likely isn’t even true.
The fantasy by american liberals that their suburban two story will be bulldozed by the state because they had a kamala yard sign is just a way to process the guilt and shame of idolizing an empire that does exactly that around the globe every single day for decades in every square centimeter of the earth where it hasnt been deterred or defeated by physical force.
Would like to believe that a Democrat loss would force the Biden staffer regime into political obscurity, scattering their power around a bunch of make work moderately paid NGO jobs and editorial columns, but they’ll probably fail upward and be back to run another right wing campaign in 4 years.
There’s no lesson you can teach the DNC, they aren’t unaware of how their policies hurt and kill innocent people, there’s no amount of photos of dead 2 year olds you can show them to get them to change course on Gaza. They’re totally hollow subjects who got where they are by placating powerful people while cutting out or numbing any part of them that was redeemable or human.
Maybe foreign policy’s impact on the actual vote are minimal, but in terms of these people’s reason for existing, the justification for their actions that “Trump will do worse” (maybe true!), is kind of meaningless now that you’re actively engaging in a holocaust, all that’s left is a reptilian prey drive. That fucking smirk on Matthew Miller’s face.
Peak Langley would have put cyanide in his ketamine within hours. Deep State falloff is legendary.