A warm seat, juck.
Same as washing your hands with warm water, no warm seats for me.
A warm seat, juck.
Same as washing your hands with warm water, no warm seats for me.
Because they love their colonial overlords, the UK, and the UK gave part of palestina to the jews to create Israel?
Must be something like that, or just plain longing to influence a tiny part of the world that is close to the area that has a tad of oil in the ground.
As reliable as Trump?
Come to the vi side, no straights or drags. (And just as terrible to use for every starter as emacs is ;) )
Sorry, had to have the 1st vi post. ;D
We only wash the bed linnen and then hang it out to dry (mynwife hates a dryi r, we got rid of it more them 15y ago). When making the bed, bottom and top are fitted around the matress in 1 go (I’m to lazy to lift the matress twice).
No matter if that criminal wins or not, EU needs to fend for themselves. The US is a lot more unreliable then Poetin (we know he’s a bastard).
I hope you’re not right, but alas, it doesn’t look good for us.
This is turning into a system war, do you want dictatorship to win or democracy? (even the terrible ones from UK or US)
Alas, it won’t. Budget is nothing when there is no capacity to produce.
Russia and it’s allies (North Korea, Iran and China) increased weapon production capacity, EU and US haven’t. However, the biggest issue will be raw materials, of which most rare metals come from… China.
What helps here is to start reading. Most of the times I wake up with a book open, as I manage distract my mind from random thoughts.
They all know exactly who they’re dealing with, but some still think it won’t be to bad. It’s not to strange that Poland has spend most of their money on defence (2x nato guideline) and all others on the eastern border at least the guideline, while the rest is slacking… However, still no war economy, while Russia has one for over 2-3 years now.
Exactly. When people work somewhere, they need to earn a living wage. When they give exceleny=t service, you can tip, no matter which business they’re in.
Interesting… time to dive into those books.
Thanks, looks like I need to start saving, my Nokia 6.1 with Lineage will probably need replacing withing a year or 2.
I was messing about in a fighter simulator (previous milenium) and the game told me I did an insane move. It sticked, so I called myself TheInsane. In an online game, that nick was already in use, so I got the suggestion to take TheInsane1… nah, there is only 1 answer to everything, so I added that. It stuck since then. I got me the matching domain in '22.
I’m using KoffieNu as well, as it matched my domain koffie.nu (proud owner since '98), mainly on mastodon, git and some dutch lemmy instances.
Nice to read your experience with the fairphone. We’re looking at it as well. It’s expensive, but can at least be repaired when something breaks. I’m curious aboutt the custom roms though, as they are my main requirement, next to costs of max €100 per expected year of usability. (And as phone, it should be usable for a while)
Tipping should be to reward personel for excelent service, not to enable companies to underpay their workers. Every worker should earn a living wage. When a company goes bust when they have to pay workers a living wage, they have no right to exsist and should go bust.
open gmail and see ublock report >1k trackers blocked What tracker bust?
Oh wait, torrents and stuff… never mind.
Relying on a basic understanding how things/situations work.
At a new school, I really messed up a math test. I was studying like crazy, learned all formulas that I would need and managed to apply them all in each question on the test, combining all off them each question. Lowest score possible (1 out of 10), as I really messed up. Next test I didn’t study, I jusy flipped trough the book, checked 1 situation I didn’t understood and made the test. On handing out the teacher asked what I did different then the previous test. I told him I didn’t study, I just checked if it was logically to me and decided I understood as much as I could. He told me to do just that on all tests and I’d have no problems with education and gave me the result, a perfect score. (10 out of 10)
That was 34y ago and still I want to understand things and see the logic behind it. Works perfectly on almost everything. (Humans behavious still mostly eludes me though, totally illogical 🤨)
Then that’s misleading to the customer. When you buy something online and have paid for it, it should be collected and delivered.
When you need to pay a tip to get the omployers/contracters of the company to do business with to do their job, there is something terribly wrong with the situation. Tips should be for complementing employers with their good/excelent serice, not to ensure they have something to eat while the company earns enough and underpays their staff.
That’s how an open market should work, companies paying their straff living wages and charging what a product/service costs to be viable. When the product/service is good enough, the customers will come, when it isn’t, they go out of business, freeing employers for work that is values correctly. The US market of underpaying employers and required tips from customers looks more like modern slavery/forced labour.