You know, I’m pretty sure that Amazon has enouuh profit margins to pay their employees fair wages if they wanted too, even without your purchases
You know, I’m pretty sure that Amazon has enouuh profit margins to pay their employees fair wages if they wanted too, even without your purchases
Damn buying a “Fuck Trump” shirt while indirectly financing the guy is next level irony and peak capitalism
I guess Clifford Algebra notation would be most compact
The length of the wire is actually more an issue of capacitance and interferences. But these issues are easily mitigated by reducing the spi speed
The two doctors would only have a combined 50% success rate if they perform the same number of surgeries
This has some “yes do as I say” vibes
Naja… wenn du botanisch argumentierst sind Gurken, Tomaten, usw. definitiv Gemüse (aber keineswegs Obst, sondren Frucht). Botanisch gesehen ist, soweit ich verstehe, ein Gemüse einfach der essbare Teil einer Pflanze.
Die Debatte ist auf jeden Fall auf Deutsch sinnlos, sie ergibt nur auf Englisch und Französisch Sinn, wo Obst und Frucht beide fruit sind, daher die Verwechslung…
I’ll correct by saying that it’s with mainline linux that those cameras don’t work. Ubuntu Touch uses libhybris to run Android drivers, meaning most supported phones’ cameras work there…
Yeah this has me lost too
I don’t know what’s stupid to say about Gesellschaft für Software und Systementwicklung mit beschränkter Haftung
Hmm, I’m not sure… I must admit, I only use SeaBIOS, not GRUB, so I wouldn’t know how to configure it
Yeah, that’s basically right. I believe flashprog is also included in libreboot, have a look in the elf/
directory. After that, it should work as expected
Oh you can still do that. The path changed to elf/cbfstool/[TREE]/cbfstool
(replace [
with the tree concerened). Note that since the switch to the libre RAM init code, ]mrc.bin
is not included anymore
I’m not sure what you mean by “checking the ROM”…
How about nothing at all
Their firmware isn’t opensource. At least not fully. Only the EC firmware has been opensourced, that is the firmware for the micro-controller responsible for the battery, keyboard, buttons, LEDs, sensors, and so on…
The boot firmware, responsible for getting the CPU and hardware in a bootable state, is absolutely proprietary. There is initial support for one specific framework motherboard in coreboot, a partially libre boot firmware, but it’s very new and I don’t know exactly what is and isn’t supported…
Heh made me chuckle
Yeah same, although I just say the entire word
And enslaving a significant chunk of their own folks too.