Damn, I wish I lived under the rock you apparently do.
Damn, I wish I lived under the rock you apparently do.
I considered it when they warned about the increase and offered it at $75, but I just didn’t have the money to spend back then. Felt pretty stupid for not doing it, but I don’t even know what paid features they offer, and I’m clearly not missing them.
99% of my usage is at home as well, so this is unlikely to affect me - until that random 1% anyhow.
>accuses media of exonerating driver without research
>provides no evidence or research to support their claim
Oops, you have become that which you despise.
Thanks for that - I wasn’t aware of the relay service, but completely agree that this is what they should be charging for and not the remote play feature in its entirety. I’ll probably drag it out for a while by refusing to update the app and server… Might be able to make it work with Tailscale as others have suggested.
In the past I’ve paid for a month or two when I wanted to download to my devices remotely (and I think that’s the singular feature that I’ve ever cared about in the Plex pass). But to take features away and then try and charge me for them is a bridge too far, I can’t support that bad behavior.
It’s a shame that it’s only the companies with more money than God that feel comfortable standing up for their values. The Felon will attack anyone who disagrees with them, and while everyone gets mad about nobody standing up to him - that’s not exactly a zero risk scenario for most. But for these hundred billion and trillion dollar companies, they know they can defend themselves just fine.
But what infrastructure does this feature require? I’m direct connecting to my own personal server with perhaps credential handling and a handshake handled by Plex servers to connect. None of the media is passing through their servers - or it shouldn’t be if it is.
I have no clue what you’re trying to say, but the significant amount of outrage a day or two later that I suddenly saw explode on Twitter was mind boggling to me. Couldn’t tell if it was bots or morons but either way, people are big mad about the video.
Halloween actually got a specific exclusion.
The really horrifying ones are the ones coming from Whitehouse.gov - I’ve never been to the White House website more than these 6 weeks to confirm screenshots are genuine. Horrifically, they all have been.
I disagree, but to each their own. You do have a potential option here:
Is that BBQ flavored ketchup? God, I’m so down for that.
Oops, filing FOIA requests to an empty department. They all go here now. 🗑️
I won’t argue with you on the rest, but I certainly agree that Claus was lovely.
Yeah but the choice was between the two of them in that case. Unavoidable.
I mean, nobody is giving you side eye, but retail locations absolutely verify the bill is genuine first regardless.
I certainly haven’t read the Art of the Deal - can someone point me to the chapter where he explains the strategy of spreading misinformation about your counterparty, aggressively pressuring them to do something not in their best interest, and anger an entire continent of world leaders? Because it sure is sounding like he’ll get NOTHING and Europe will protect their own. The Felon is just racking up the wins.
Nothing of importance if that’s what you’re concerned about.
Enough of this defeatist “too little too late” bullshit. These comments are plagued with you fucks. We need EVERY little rock we can find to get stuck in their gears. We must move forward, so we can either accept defeat or beat back the second coming of Hitler. I don’t think anyone should be shamed for fighting for what’s right.
Credit no, but child support doesn’t sound so bad.
I don’t so happily welcome our dystopian future. I don’t need my car to police me. I can’t where you’re coming from on that, but it’s kind of a horrifying thought imo. You’re absolutely correct about the safety matter, but that’s also a pretty steep cost for safety. I’m very conflicted.