You severely misunderstood the purpose of this community…
You severely misunderstood the purpose of this community…
That is assuming that she’s not sharing the name voluntarily. It’s not a GDPR violation to offer such a service if it’s opt-in.
Are you writing like this to set yourself apart from AI/LLMs?
the sky was clear for about an hour before totality, and then about 15 minutes before, a big dark cloud came in and ruined it.
Yup, that was exactly my experience too (in northern France in August 1999).
Israel did not offer a ceasefire. It makes no sense for them to do so as their goal is not to defend themselves, but to exterminate the Palestinian people.
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
I may need a translation. CO² like in E = mc²? What is the square of oxygen?
I’ve been using Backblaze since 2017 when CrashPlan shut down. Have not run into a catch yet, except of course the possibility of it going the way of CrashPlan one day.
This far from Klingon space?
It’s only the one-boxers who describe the predictor as “perfect”, presumably interpolating from the observation that the predictor has always been right so far. Two-boxers might argue that you have no idea if the predictor is perfect or whether they’ve just been incredibly lucky so far, but also, they will argue that this is irrelevant because the boxes have already been set up and your choice cannot change it anymore.
I do not believe that the premise includes the stipulation that the predictor is human.
The multiverse conception of time travel is nice and fine for fiction, but in reality, if you think about what such a time machine would have to do, it would have to create an entire new universe, with all precise details exactly in place, and it would have to have a lower entropy than your origin reality. Good luck building such a machine
I wish to live in a society in which this question is a moot point. Creators should have the freedom to create without having to worry about the goodwill of their audience, or worse, marketing strategies. Fans should have the freedom to access art without having to worry about the well-being of the creator, or worse, suffering guilt. Anything that is not aimed at creating and maintaining this state of being is inhumane.
To some people the answer is obviously box A — you get $1,000,000 because the predictor is perfect. To others, the answer is obviously to pick both, because no matter what the predictor said, it’s already done and your decision can’t change the past, so picking both boxes will always net you $1000 more than picking just one. Neither argument has any obvious flaw. That’s the paradox.
I think that just shows that time travel doesn’t exist.
Newcomb’s paradox is my favourite. You have two boxes in front of you. Box B contains $1000. You can either pick box A only, or both boxes A and B. Sounds simple, right? No matter what’s in box A, picking both will always net you $1000 more, so why would anyone pick only box A?
The twist is that there’s a predictor in play. If the predictor predicted that you would pick only box A, it will have put $1,000,000 in box A. If it predicted that you would pick both, it will have left box A empty. You don’t know how the predictor works, but you know that so far it has been 100% accurate with everyone else who took the test before you.
What do you pick?
By treating tolerance as a binary (it’s either completely present or completely absent) you’ve removed your argument very far from reality. The goal in reality is to be as tolerant as possible, and the most tolerant stable state simply has some (limited) amount of (very specific) intolerance in it.
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. It comes with a laughable 11 modules which you tire of after a couple weeks of playing. It’s badly coded and its modding support is flimsy and haphazard. The developers are unreachable and uncooperative.
Without mods, you’d put down the game after a week and forget about it completely. With mods (created for free by the community) you now get a wealth of thousands of modules, but you also need multiple extra mods to get simple basic functionality that should be in the base game. Wanna play more than 100 modules? Game crashes on startup unless you install the Tweaks mod. Wanna play just the modules that your friends enjoy? Gotta mess around with Steam workshop subscriptions for hours unless you install the Mod Selector mod. Wanna play a specific set of modules you like? Good luck getting the right RNG, unless you install the DMG mod. Wanna play more than one bomb? Needs the Multiple Bombs mod. Some modules are genuinely unplayable unless you get the Boss Module Manager mod, which in turn relies on a volunteer-run external website to be running and to be constantly updated by volunteers. Even Camera Zoom is a separate mod!!
99% of the game is made for free by volunteers, and yet it’s the garbage 1% that everyone has to pay for. It’s a travesty.
I figured, but this thread wasn’t specifically about helping with code. It was about replacing search engines. Common uses of search engines include finding information about ongoing events, e.g. the COVID pandemic or an upcoming election. Your comment implied that you thought this information is better obtained from ChatGPT than from Google.
Not with that attitude