I just love ice so much I gotta tell all my friends whenever I see em!!!
I just love ice so much I gotta tell all my friends whenever I see em!!!
Hey dol merry dol! Happy birthday!
Glad therapy is working well… Maybe one day I’ll give it a go
Ya the ones I have likewise are beginning to fall apart they get worn so much
Those are great. So nice
I wanna play Indiana Jones but it crashes Everytime I try and leap from the boulder tunnel at the very start.
To number 1 it’s so weird to me… Like I just want to ask these people…
you missed the bikini burger lady so much? You even noticed she was gone? Is your life so empty and hollow that watching a classicaly attractive women eat borgor is the best it has?
You could be doing literally anything. Just going into your backyard and making mounds of mud would be a more interesting and engaging activity than caring about the borrrguer ads.
Anyone grossed out by libs […]?
Say less.
Anyway ya everything everyone else said.
Excuse me what was your SAT score?
Wait you don’t give a shit I did good on standardized tests decades ago?
True. Just the idea “well I know calculus/Java/physics like the back of my hand so I’m clearly an Uber level intellect.”
Accepting you might be good at one thing and not another is surprisingly difficult
It’s endlessly amusing to me that these sorts of people think they are smart. They insist they are geniuses in fact. Yet they are incapable of grasping the glaring obvious reasons that their stated goals clash with their political objectives.
People must have more kids but we must make the world a worse place and that’ll make them have more kids.
No it won’t. It obviously won’t to anyone who examines evidence for 15 minutes.
I understand that some people are lying. Saying they want one thing but actually wanting and doing another. But there are true believers. These types… Musk fanboys… Etc
I just want to point and laugh at them because they truly are so fucking incapable of understanding despite their education and auras of intelligence
These people are pathetic. I know they feel big and strong right now because they have a bit of power they can use to go smash shit up. But like they are genuinely, unreservedly, without qualification… Pathetic.
Like it would be hard not to laugh at them if one walked into my house… That and maybe a special treat for them. Simply
Seriously email me back. Motherfucker I’m asking when you will be mailing my check that you owe me for work I performed. I’m very generous with flexibility. You can’t make yourself not owe me money by ignoring me. You will be paying me. You’ll just get way fucking shittier work from me until you get nothing… But of course billing it all as per our contract. Ignore me and pay me more later assholes.
Anyway fuck you pay me
Fighting back because your people will be wiped from the face of the earth either soon or later if you don’t: bad. Antisemitic. Evil.
Fighting back because someone is trying to stop you shelling civilian: good. Freedom. Fuckin orcs
Americans are such fucking cowards. “Oh shit a couple of oldish guys coming up my driveway. Get the fuckin Glock. Antifa has finally come for my freedom.”
Black and white is so weird and cool. Nothing like it. I love it
If it’s gay men Dickstras
Demonic judge in a demonic state In a demonic country.
All I’ll say to add to the discussion is I’m a bit fat for sure. Always have been. I also workout daily and climb mountains and hike backcountry environments in all seasons.
That is I have pretty clear evidence myself that being fit does not mean being not fat. I have friends far slimmer than me who couldn’t conceive of spending a 12 hr day in the mountains comfortably.
Would I be faster hiker if I didn’t carry more weight? Who knows maybe but it’s not coming off unless I… I don’t know… Maybe follow some strict diet?
But why I’m already capable of doing the things I want shaped like this.
The US still has(had) some good science going especially in optical science, hydrology, astronomy, and geology. Now well… Any scientific American is going to start considering:
A) work for America if you can get a job at all… Pay will be paltry. Only funded projects are directly applicable to blowing up brown people. Want to study systematic climate change and it’s effects on the long term water supply… Woke garbage fuck off.
B) work for China… And get paid decent and probably not torn off a project you’ve dedicated yourself passionately to when some asshole thinks it’s woke.
Meanwhile Americans will be shocked and appalled that China “stole” all this scientific research merely by treating scientists as valuable professionals.