Perso je mets des asperges à la place des endives. Plus de problème d’amertume !
Perso je mets des asperges à la place des endives. Plus de problème d’amertume !
Tortues Ninja sur NES. À la dure.
This doesn’t invalidate your point whatsoever, obviously, but what Le Pen exactly said is “Les chambres à gaz sont un point de détail de l’histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale”, which basically means that they do existed, but wasn’t that big of a deal. Which in a way is actually even more insulting.
En fait j’hésite avec le layout “split” qui a l’air intéressant. Ou plutôt un genre de split, parce que celui proposé donne le V en accès direct, ce qui ne semble pas optimal du tout.
Interesting! I’m not sure which layout I should pick for french, tough.
The extra challenge stalemate adds can be interesting, I don’t deny it.
It’s just that if a player is in a position where they can’t do anything beside suiciding their king, they’re obviously not winning, and it seems a little bit unfair for the other player to consider the situation is equal and that noone can be designated as the winner.
I understand the reasoning, not the legitimacy.
I’ve never understood why stalemate is draw.
That’s the maximum in France.
Write it down? That way you won’t have to do it right now AND you won’t think about it. Probably.
If you care about your safety, you might want getting a full rack instead. Especially if you plan doing squats and/or you don’t have someone to spot you.
It’s a daily newspaper that gets French once per day.
Nice! But I hope for you that those are fahrenheits.
My biggest “wow” effect was Gran Turismo (1). The moving reflections on the cars!
Cromulently hard
I object! A truth table would be a much superior representation.
“Mmmh yes that is one fine comb.”
Cider for example?
Ça ne m’étonnerait pas que ce soit plus compliqué qu’un simple taux de testostérone, oui. Mais si c’était le cas, ça permettrait des catégories plus justes. Je rêve un peu.
“Cool une vidéo de Sylvqin ! Ça va me remonter le moral !”
Hahahaha. Non.