What kind of social-chauvinist loser highly ranks the opportunists (e.g. Vaush, Cody, Natalie) who went full popular-frontist, critically endorsing Biden and tarring independent socialist supporters with the same ultraleft brush as the strict electoral abstentionists (while still putting the anarchist Thought Slime in a mid-high tier)?
Who puts women with much better politics (e.g. Mexie, and Lily Orchard to a lesser extent) in bottom tiers with Peter Coffin?
What the fuck is Jreg doing here at all when he’s the Political Compass subreddit in YouTuber form and known magnet for fascist recruiters?
You can’t get buyer’s remorse if you knew Biden was shit but felt forced into making that choice. I guarantee at least half of the habitual lesser-evilists have learned to abandon all hope and expect nothing good from their party ever again. There is only the obligation to retain a defensive posture to defeat the Republicans in a vain effort to prevent the acceleration of their immiseration, and a bitter, cynical contempt for the (typically younger, more progressive) “purity ponies” whose spirits haven’t been broken yet and who dare to make demands from their captors from a position of weakness, demands which could raise people’s expectations and jeopardize their purely defensive, harm-reductionist efforts.