Spend money like this to get ideas down?
Will I record an entire track on it? Nah, probably not.
i done grown up in the sticks - an da woods - an da easside, da wesside, yo wassup hows i doin at bein coherrrnt
Spend money like this to get ideas down?
Will I record an entire track on it? Nah, probably not.
Dolphins and rainbows? What kind of LSD has OP been taking? Yeah, America is a hypocrite, and its politicians are liars who selectively apply “justice”. American exceptionalism DOES indeed seem like a joke, and it is arguably far from the best Western or “democratic” country, but what country would OP say is the model we should all follow? OP, you obviously hate the USA. What country is the best in your opinion? I hate shit countries, but I sure as fuck would rather eat this shit over the shit I see in some countries.
I really got into Enterprise. They got into a lot of ethnic and cultural issues, and that really engaged me.
Check it this demo if you wish.
Ah; ok! Thanks!
What’s your price? Do you give yourself credit in the finished work? I realize you provided a link, but it’s too unfamiliar. Nobody wants to get hacked by visiting a sus website.
Yeah well, I guess y’all did good at keeping this an inside joke. After googling for 196, all I get is “We’re a shitposting subreddit with moderators that are actively hostile to bigots, bootlickers, and chuds.” Clears things up a lot.
An excellent question because “organic boycott” appears to have been “born” recently. My DDG search of the expression yielded seemingly nothing but results about this conflict. This bit from TIME appears to clarify:
Since the war in Gaza began, BDS has also endorsed new targets it did not initiate—like McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and Burger King—calling them “organic boycott targets” because of the public support they have received after their brand franchises appeared to support Israel.
I believe in activism for important causes, but even I think it would be best to stay right where you are because your departure would, imo, have little impact. If I were there, I suspect I’d stay quiet and try to focus on what I must do to bring about my next upgrade at McDs, somewhere else, or something I made on my own. I imagine at McDs it’s possible to get in a “zone” where you and the tasks become one or something like that. I worked at Wendy’s, but never achieved the “zone” because I wasn’t there long enough to see how the operation’s various pieces came together to make the whole thing work. Best to you.
Why not use a web-based tool like LogMeIn, Teamviewer, Anydesk, etc.?
Amazing how the writers articulated the fact that some people IRL are disgusted by happiness and positive feelings.
end all the fighting
So, you’re saying there was no problem prior to Oct. 7.
jumping from G to D is boring
Isn’t that the truth!
A# to D# is a fourth like D to G
That’s a very good point! Thanks!
This info. seems quite helpful. A revelation, in fact. I am going to look at the song from the perspective of G minor in order to see how it opens doors in a song that is in G major. I’m also going to consider how the relative majors and minors are used. Maybe today is the day I finally understand the Circle of 4th/5ths. Thank you!
Seems $ is the idol he is worshipping.